The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

The Cognito-ing Begins

It turns out I was indeed able to keep my ambition level up at fairly high levels and my months long dream is now a reality. You can check it out at

The site isn't much to look at yet but in my defense A) everything on the site except for the text portion of 3 of the reviews (Alienated eps 4-6) was created today, B) The only tools I had at my disposal were Open Office (which turns out to have a rather lackluster editor. The image-mapping is good but everything else, not so much. And you don't even want to try creating frames with it), paint and trusty ol' notepad.

Right now my focus is going to be on getting the links and forum pages up (in addition to writing more reviews) but once everything is up and running I'll look into getting my hands on some better resources.

As I said above, the page isn't much yet but it feels good to be doing something productive/enjoyable. It's not often I'm able to combine those two things into a single task.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Mmmmm... Stovetop...

This past Sunday our stove stopped working. There's something wrong with the clock unit which caused it to beep loudly and constantly if there was power to the stove. That meant that all week we had no use of our stove (including the burners on top of the stove) and it meant a lot of microwaved meals for me.

Last night the repair guy finally came (that's when we found out the problem was with the clock unit). Unfortunately he did not have another of the clocks with him so we have to wait a bit longer to get a new one. He did however disconnect the power to the clock so we can now use the burners. (We cannot use the oven itself however as it is controlled through the clock).

So I got to have an actual cooked, non-fast food meal today for the first time since Saturday. That was some damned good spaghetti.

In other news the website work is coming along rather well and (depending on how ambitious I get) there could be a basic version of the site available by later today. The site itself is up already but it's not ready for viewing to say the least. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Ultra Awesome

Those of you who may have been wondering what a good example of a highly entertaining cheesy movie would be need to look no further than Space at 3 AM this morning. They are showing Max Knight: Ultra Spy. It's actually a two hour pilot for a show that never got made into a show. Max Knight is like James Bond if James Bond was in the not to distant future and an incredibly lame computer techie.

The plot involves a cult trying to A) transfer their conciousness to computers and B) blow up the world so that nobody bugs them. You'd think that blowing up the world would hurt the computers too but apparently not.

A couple extra awesome things to look out for:
1) The movie, since it takes place the in future, tries to invent its own lingo and it's really bad. For example , instead of saying something is 'cool', they say it's 'grody'
2) Near the climax of the movie there's a fight scene between Max and the head villian using the Half-Life game engine. Seriously.

So yeah, check it out. And if you're reading this after the movie aired (which you almost certainly are) that's your problem. You'll have to figure out some sort of time travel method or something.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Mixed Bag

Kind of an odd mixture of stuff going through my head the last couple days. Sometimes I'm feeling directionless and very keen on figuring out what the hell I want to do with my life. (If I'm going to go with the more education route, I really have to start applying within the next month or so). I've been keeping an eye out on the job ads and there's really nothing appealing so it is looking more and more like I'll be going the more education route. The trick is figuring which path to pursue if I do get more education.

Other times, seemingly minutes later, I feel a complete lack of ambition and cannot be bothered to worry about such things. Then all I'm good for is lazing around and playing on the computer.
Based on past experiences I suspect the 'weekend' will clear the apathy out and I'll probably make some progress on determining what I want to do but for now, I'll have to make do with the limited periods of ambition/non-apathy.

Fun Fact of the Day: Recently someone found this blog by searching for the words 'JFK' 'bathub' and 'sex'. And since I this (
"This is a very tough time for me, without Cleo I'm a broken man. Hey, let's all go swimming in my pooool, and by pool I mean bathtub, and by swimming, I mean SEX." -JFK) was one of my quotes of the day, my site turned up.

Monday, February 07, 2005

An Alarming Development

One thing I realized while working at ClientLogic is that I really dislike being woken up by an alarm. Regardless of how much sleep I get, whether it's 6 hours or 10 hours, it always feels like a chore to get out of bed if prompted by an alarm clock. Fortunately most of the time I didn't have to start work until 4 PM or later so it was rarely an issue. And now when I work 5 PM - 1 AM, it's also not an issue.

Unfortunately with the new job the weekend shift is 11:30 - 7:30. This means I get up around 10 AM and since I'm a night person that is usually 7.5 hours of sleep at most.

This past weekend however my body seemed set on not being woken by my alarm clock. On Saturday morning I woke up at 10:03 AM when my alarm was set for 10:04 AM. And then this morning I woke up at 9:49 AM when my alarm was set for 9:50 AM. Kind of strange but it felt good because it meant I actually chose to wake up instead of being forced out of bed (even if it may have been the case that my body was subconciously forcing me out of bed).