The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Another late night for me. I'm starting to see a trend. :P

It's all good though as I got some work done today (well mostly just reading a good chunk of the Princess Bride). Today was a bit on the uneventful side but enjoyable nonetheless. Enoyable or not though, I'm getting pretty tired so I think I shall turn in.

Banned Word of the Day: gummy

Note: Just because I think I shall turn in does not mean I actually will. Actual bed time may vary. :P

Friday, February 06, 2004

Very tired today but hey, at least it's the weekend (for me). That means I'll be getting lots of sleep and such. Yay!

I do have some work to do, but it should still be a fairly quiet weekend, work-wise.

Banned Word of the Day: old

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Well, tonight's been a rather late night.

The odd thing is there wasn't really a reason for it. I just didn't feel like sleeping.

I basically just played on my computer for the last 3 hours. The last 45 minutes or so was just me watching an old episode of Quantam Leap I have on my computer. Watching that show again reminds me of why I was a big fan when it used to be on Space (never caught it during its original run). Highly recommended to anyone who likes TV.

Banned Word of the Day: insomnia

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Quasi-productive day today. Well, not really. I did get Cassie some food and a new chew thingee (that she actually chews on!). Of course, the process of doing so somehow managed to take 5 hours but that's okay as I would have just wasted that time here anyway.

I was kinda planning for an early night to make up for my not so great sleep last night but it looks like it's going to be a slightly below average sleep night. Normally that'd be fine but my body is already in tired mode so it might not be enough.

I could just sleep in longer tomorrow but there are hot dogs to be had!!

Banned Word of the Day: gnoff (Today's Banned Word of the Day provided by OED. It's a rather old/obscure word. Not really used anymore but whatever)

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Oh, the joys of writing in iambic pentameter. I just could not and could not get started on my blank verse poem. I had a few ideas that might have been good but I could not commit them to paper (well to Word). When I finally started writing tonight I spent probably a good 20-30 minutes trying to finish the first line (got stuck in the middle). By the end, I think I may have actually been getting a bit of a feel for how to write iambic pentameter (or maybe I was just tired so my brain thought I was writing iambic pentameter, who knows :P). Seeing as I have to 'workshop' this poem in class tomorrow anyway, I thought I'd share it with my readers as well. It's still a first draft (the final draft isn't due till end of term) and I imagine it'll undergo major revision by that point but I think it's kind of cute. I shall leave it to you, the reader, to decide for yourself though:

A sudden shriek provokes the warrior
to action. Gripped by vile noise he cannot
locate, the warrior moves dazedly
as if enchanted. ‘Ah!’, he cries, having
established where the beast dwelt. Jumping up
he stabs the foul monster, to no effect.
Desperately, he grapples with the beast
probing for a weak point. A click followed
by silence tells him victory is his.
Contented, he goes back to sleep once more.

So that's the poem. Remember this is my first attempt to write in iambic pentameter (or to write a 'real' formal poem of any kind) so please be gentle with criticism. You wouldn't want to crush my extremely fragile self-confidence when it comes to poetry writing. :P Also, if you don't get it right away, try reading it again. The beast isn't explictly explained but it should be fairly obvious (perhaps even too obvious, I'm not really sure as it's hard to gauge that sort of thing when you write it yourself).

Anyhoo, It's 3:40 AM and I have to be up far too soon for my liking so I had best wrap this up.

Banned Word of the Day: left

Monday, February 02, 2004

Well, as promised changes have been made. I think it still needs some work (and I'm probably missing some links) but I like it much better than the old layout.

If you have any ideas for improvements, why not make a comment about them. *hint hint*

I'm actually going to bed kinda early tonight (it's only 1:16 AM as I write this). I'd probably stay up later but I've gotta write a blank verse poem tomorrow and I want time to do it in the morning. I tried to do it tonight but it turned out quite like Bart's attempt to write a report on World War I. Any and everything was enough to distract me from my task. Playing scrabble, fixing up my website, posting on Thunacme. By the end, I was even washing dishes just to avoid doing my work. :P

Hopefully I'll actually be able to stay on task for a few minutes tomorrow.

Now I sleep!

Banned Word of the Day: Productive

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Well, today turned out to be nearly as filled with not work as the Official Day of Rest and Relaxation was.

I was planning to do work today but for the most part, it ended up getting back-burnered. Fortunately, I don't have all that much work to do right now. Tomorrow I'll probably do a post-class response on Enchantment, a pre-class response on Theives and Kings (each about a page each) and TRY to tackle the blank verse poem. Thanks to stupid super-bowl being tomorrow, I should have lots of time for working on stuff though so there shouldn't be a problem. Probably take less than an hour for the responses. Not sure how long the poem's going to take me (or even what I'm going to write on yet).

Today's Banned Word of the Day was exceedingly easy not to say. It's really not a word I use all that often in my day to day life so other than Granger and Runner trying to trick me in to saying it, there was never any reason for me to even want to say it in the first place.

In other news, I think I'm going to do a major over-haul on the site design soon. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while now as I'm not really happy with the way things look but as is often the case with me, I've been too lazy. The shout-out thing going down gives me excuse to change things around though so look for a new look for this site sometime in the next few days (maybe even by the next update if I'm ambitious).

Banned Word of the Day: Air