The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Not feeling well tonight. I seem to have a fever type thing going on and I've got zero energy. I'm not tired per se, just completely drained. As such, I think I shall veg for a few hours and then go to bed. Kinda like last night except this time I have no energy for anything whereas last time I had no energy for writing.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Hey, what's that? Holy flying catfish! Another superhero... or I'm a hallucinating webhead!"
- Spiderman (Classic)
Bustin gets another one. Spiderman says this when he sees 'sky boy' flying by (lamest 'superhero' ever. Even worse than the wonder twins!)

Quote of the Day: "There shouldn't be any women at all in this world! Just children and men!"
- ?

You can thank Hbaka for the increase in difficulty of the quotes from now on. :P

Not in a big writing mood tonight for some reason so I'll be brief.

A Quilted Day

The Good: Finally got my new Y membership so now I'll be going to the gym quite often. Had a great workout today.

The Bad: Parents are driving me insane with job-finding related nagging. If things keep up look for a lengthy diatribe about the matter in the next few days.

Quote of the YesterDay: "AH! A hungry, hungry hippo!"
- Homer
Sean gets it again. The quote comes from the Simpsons in Africa episode after a run-in with a hippo.

Quote of the Day: "Hey, what's that? Holy flying catfish! Another superhero... or I'm a hallucinating webhead!"
- ?

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Managed to have myself a lazy day today. I actually got a full 8 (largely consecutive) hours of sleep for the first time in quite a while. Then I spent the day watching TV, playing video games and doing the computer thing. It was nice to have a largely nag free day with minimal responsibilities and effort-related things.

Now I'm off to the couch to polish of my lazy day with even more lazing. Ahhhhh... :)

Quote of the YesterDay: "You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel"
- Homer
Sean gets credit for the correct guess this time. This leads me to believe he may have a promising future as some shmoe at a box factory.

Quote of the Day:: "AHH! A hungry, hungry hippo!"

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Went on a bit of a spree today in honour of having graduation monies. I picked up Futurama: Volume 3 (Finally), Def Jam Vendetta (Cheap), XIII(also cheap) and a new wallet (my old one was literally falling apart). Quite happy with my purchases, I am. :)

Quote of the YesterDay: "If you wanna dine with the devil, you'll need a long spoon"
- Mercy
Adding context doesn't make it any more sensible. He says it just before he kills someone.

Quote of the Day: "You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel."

Monday, May 10, 2004

Graduation was much shorter than I expected so not as painful as it could have been. 90% of the ceremony could have been done by a machine though as it was chalkful of repetition and minor variations. Webrunner suggested calling such a machine, "Diplomaton".

The people at Blogger launched a new version of their site today which apparently includes new templates so don't be surprised if the look of this page changes once I see what these new templates look like.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Shop smart, shop S-mart. You got that?!"
- Ash from Army of Darkness. Shuryou guessed Evil Dead but I'll assume he meant AoD (which is part of the ED Trilogy) and give him credit for being the first (and only) to guess yesterday's quote.

Quote of the Day: "If you wanna dine with the devil, you'll need a long spoon"
And yes, that is a real quote.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

And the grad weekend stuff continues. Granger's out having fun working at the grad church service thing and Mermac's sleeping on the couch so I've once again gained control of Granger's laptop for blog posting purposes.

Did all sorts of things since last I posted. First I got my gown and crap. Then Runner and I went up to visit Yume and Cynon (they've got a pretty nice place and it's Mudcreek adjacent! :P). Then we had a potluck type thing at Granger's place. Some good food was had by all and as is usual with potlucks there was waaaaay more food than we actually needed so Granger and Patrick (I don't know if he has a internet name so he'll have to be called 'Patrick') aren't going to need to actually cook meals for many days to come.

Following the potluckness was some drinking and hanging out. We ended up spending a sizeable portion of the evening playing a trivial pursuit themed drinking game. You took one of the stacks of cards and asked the person to your left a question (they chose the category). If they got it wrong they had to take a drink and try another question (till they got one right or till 3 cards where done. Personally I'd have prefered just till they got one right but whatever). Surprisingly fun (if geeky) thing to do.

Regretably pretty much everyone was done by 12:30. Mermac and I, however, not being ones to end our evenings when it's barely dark out yet decided to venture over to the Axe for some further drinking and to see who was there and such (the Axe was open until 2 last night). Unfortunately, however, upon arriving we discovered that there was a $5 cover (to get access to the Axe and the Mackean room and there was some band playing called 'Barnacle'). Seeing as it was 12:45 at this point, neither of us thought it would be worth paying $5 to get in. If we'd gone at 10 or 11, maybe we'd have been willing to pay that kind of money but certainly not worth it for only a little more than an hour of being at the bar.

So instead of the Axe, we ventured down to Billy Bob's and got some pizza. It was kind of fitting in a way that Murray and I, the only two people in our little group (at Acadia) who were part of the original 'going places late at night for food' group waaay back in my first year. It'd have been even more fitting if Fergi and Wilson could have been there as well but it was still kinda a neat happenstance.

I've gotta two the whole stand around outside for a bloody long time before the convacation thing actually starts thing in a little over two hours and I still need to shower/eat/etc so I should probably get going (or get not moving in a different way at least).

Quote of the YesterDay: "Eureka! The hat goes on the head. It's all so obvious now!"
- Gunther
He's the monkey with the smart-making hat that the Professor created on the Mars University episode of Futurama

Quote of the Day: "Shop smart, shop S-mart. You got that?!"
- ?
Another easy one for most of you out there, I'll wager.