The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

All sorts of things on the go today. I went grocery shopping, I bought a desk, I even put said desk together, etc.

Biggest project of the day was definitely the desk putting together. As you probably know, I'm not the most 'handy' person in the world. This was the first time I ever tried to assemble a piece of furniture. There were 6 wood pieces that had to be attached and some metal sliders and stuff. Oh and some wheels too. I managed to do it with no major screw-ups. I did take me a couple hours (long enough to watch most of Star Trek IV on a random tape I put in the VCR) but that included several 'find the right screwdriver' trips to the garage. I managed to give myself a blister from one of the screwdrivers too. My room looks much cleaner now that the computer is on a desk instead of sprawled out over the floor area.

Most exciting aspect of the day is yet to come. I was looking at the TV listings a few minutes ago and I saw that IFC is showing Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter in an hour or so. I've always wanted to see that ever since I saw the trailer a couple years ago. The story is about Jesus coming to our time and then hunting vampires. It's a comedy (obviously) and I've got high expectations for some laughs.

Quote of the YesterDay: "You may still only be a head, 790, but you're the best head I ever had."
Bustin sort of got this one. He wasn't sure which Zev it was who said it. The original character, Zev, was played by Eva Haberman and went by 'Zev'. The second character, Xev, was played by Xenia Seeburg and went by 'Xev'. She was the one who said this line. I prefer Xev myself but your mileage may vary (though I doubt it).

Quote of the Day: "Oh, I always feared he would run off like this. Why? WHY? WHY didn't I break his legs?"

Friday, June 25, 2004

I promised myself a lazy day and I certainly delivered. Extremely little of consequence went on. In this case, I'd say that was a good thing though as it was rather relaxing. Tomorrow I'll actually be doing a few things that aren't just lazing about (laundry, errands, etc) but there shall still be much time for lazing.

Quote of the YesterDay: "If I'm curt with you, it's because time is a factor here. I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you want to get out of this. So, pretty please - with sugar on top... clean the fuckin' car."
-The Wolf
Went with a Pulp Fiction quote here. Bustin got it and provided all the surrounding details.

Quote of the Day: "You may still only be a head, 790, but you're the best head I ever had."

Probably not that hard to figure out but good for a laugh.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

After a 'strenuous' 3 day work week it is now the weekend. Yay! And I get paid on Friday. Double Yay!

I don't really have much in the way of things to do so I'll probably spend most of the weekend reading, playing on the computer and watching things. Should be some quality laze-age.

I also found out today that the most sought after (and therefore hardest to get) shifts are the day shifts. Those ones start anywhere from 7 AM to 10 AM which is way earlier than I want to be up anyway. So it looks like it shouldn't be too tough to get the evening or night shift of my choice. Although according to what our facilitator told us, we're probably going to be working 7:45 PM to 4 AM for the first couple months (until they've got enough data to rank us) though we can try to get on the overnight shift as well if we wish. Most people would probably be unhappy with a shift ending at 4 AM but I've realized that as long as I don't need to set my alarm to wake me for work, I'm happy with whatever shift I work. :)

Quote of the YesterDay: "Hey, guy. I was with this girl, and she all left me, so I was all like "I'm sad." But then you called. So now I'm happy. And I brought you generic corn chips, and stamps. Ohh, a squirrel. Hey, squirrely guy."
Bustin once again got the quote. This time it was an Undergrads one.

Quote of the Day: "If I'm curt with you, it's because time is a factor here. I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you want to get out of this. So, pretty please - with sugar on top... clean the fuckin' car."

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Get to sleep in tomorrow. Instead of having to struggle out of bed for 4:30, I can pull myself out of bed for 6:45. Both those times are PM so I'm pretty happy either way. :P Then after that early day, I'm on the weekend. :)

In other news I've now got myself an answering machine so if you call at anytime of day and I'm not on the phone already you're sure to get some sort of response. Hopefully people will actually leave messages as I don't have call display and if they just hang up I'll have no clue who called. Oh, my number is 389-9330 (I'm guessing everyone out there already knows the area code for NB. I'd put it on here too but this way if some crazed stalker sees my number they'll have to waste 10-15 seconds looking up my area code before they can begin stalking.)

Quote of the YesterDay: "This is a very tough time for me, without Cleo I'm a broken man. Hey, let's all go swimming in my pooool, and by pool I mean bathtub, and by swimming, I mean SEX."
A Clone High quote that was picked up by Bustin. If I were actually keeping track of the ident's, he'd be WAAAY out in front.

Quote of the Day: "Hey, guy. I was with this girl, and she all left me, so I was all like "I'm sad." But then you called. So now I'm happy. And I brought you generic corn chips, and stamps. Ohh, a squirrel. Hey, squirrely guy."

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The new car managed to survive the trip. In fact from what I can tell, the trip actually made it stronger. Just after I left Wendy's in Sackville I noticed that the clock/radio light was working. To my knowledge it's never come on the entire time we've had the car but it come on and has stayed on. I figure either A) there's a loose wire that got jostled into place or B) the car is actually alive ala Christine and is beginning the process of repairing itself. I'm pulling for B as that seems like it'd be pretty cost effective. Of course, if it's too much like Christine there's the risk of all that killing and stuff but for a self-repairing car that's a risk I'm willing to take. :P

Quote of the YesterDay: "I'm not some kind of super-genius. Or are I?"
Another Simpsons quote. I thought this one was fairly easy but I guess not (or else you people are getting slack!)

Quote of the Day: "This is a very tough time for me, without Cleo I'm a broken man. Hey, let's all go swimming in my pooool, and by pool I mean bathtub, and by swimming, I mean SEX."
This one's errr ahhh easy.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Earlier this evening I started reminiscing about the Conspiracy Guy. For those of you who didn't have access or interest in watching Space a few years back, he was this guy who would have a weekly segment that would air between TV shows (like Hypaspace, Space News, etc). He would take some little fact and come up with a rather convoluted conspiracy connected to it. That was the key to the comedy. Rather than going with obvious conspiracy theories, they'd have wacked out ones that still make logical sense (even if they weren't really plausible).

I don't know what else he did for Space but I assume it was something as 2 or 3 minutes of footage a week probably wouldn't take that long to produce. A few years back they aired a mockumentary on his life and shortly after that he moved on to other things. I have no idea what he's doing now and the only thing I've seen him in is a nicorette gum commercial (and that was quite a while ago).

Quote of the YesterDay: "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. And if you do, take pictures."
This one's from Al to Sam on Quantum Leap.

Quote of the Day: "I'm not some kind of super-genius. Or are I?"

I think the cats are out to get me. The last two nights while I've been driving places at night I've seen a much higher than usual number of cats. These cats have never been doing anything. They're just sitting on the shoulder of the road looking at me as I drive by. Obviously the only possible explanation is that they are after me. So if you hear that my corpse was found with a lot of scratches where the eyes used to be, don't be surprised. :P

Quote of the YesterTwoDays: "Well, nice knowing you, son. Not like I don't love you or anything, but you know how people are. They'll assume that sort of thing runs in the family, and frankly I got a tough enough time picking up chicks to begin with. So good luck, be careful, and maybe we'll see you on TV sometime lip-synching Over The Rainbow at one of those Pride parades."
- Duckman

This one is said after Ajax mentions going on a date with Tammy. The way Ajax talks makes Tammy sound more like Tommy. Bernice then has Ajax spell the name out so as to keep Duckman from freaking out anymore about his ability to score being lessened.

Quote of the Day: "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. And if you do, take pictures."