The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Course registration started today. I almost forgot about it completely. I knew registration was the 24th of July but when I'm in the summer months, the date seems largely irrelavant (esp giving my rotating, no certain days of the week off, job)so I'm lucky if I know what day of the week it is, let alone what day of the month. I'm sure if Wilson hadn't asked me what I planned to take a couple of days ago, there's no way I would have remembered this morning. As it is, I came very close to forgetting about it and then as I was surfing the web, my brain was like, "Hey, you should check the date".

I managed to get myself a pretty damned sweet schedule this year. Not once do I have to go to a class in the AM. My earliest class first term is at 1 PM, while my earliest class second term is at 12. Best of all, I have no Friday classes at all!

I've also in some classes that should be fairly interesting. I've got a Maitzen class (always a cakewalk), an Abela class (a fairly good prof), two Perrins classes (one of the more entertaining profs I've ever had), a creative writing class (should be fun), a class on Tolkien (from another good prof) and a class on Fantasy (which I've wanted to take but which they haven't offered since the year before I could have taken it).

The only course I'm not looking forward to is my 20th Century British Poetry class. In addition to not being that huge a fan of poetry (I enjoy it, I'm just not sure I'd want an entire class devoted exclusively to it), the prof is one of my least favorite profs I've ever had. Unfortunately, I need one of 5 courses to graduate. According to the English page, 2 of them are offered this year but the online registration only lists that one. I've sent an e-mail inquiring about the other course but I may end up with no choice but to take 20th Cent Poetry. Time will tell, I guess.

All in all, a great looking line-up of courses though (even if I do have to take the one not so good class).

Oh, look for my previously mentioned train of thought to show up here soon (my guess would be tonight).

Quilted Porcupine, away!

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Peasant 1: Look!
Peasant 2: Why it's our favorite super-hero!
Peasant 1: Hurray for the Quilted Porcupine! Let us rejoice!
*much rejoicing from the peasants*

Hey citizens.

It's been a while since I last updated and unfortunately, this post will be but a brief one. There's a severe thunderstorm watch for Pictou County and while the weather outside is calm right now, we had a power flicker about 10 minutes ago. So, I don't really want to right a big post only to have another power flicker and let all that effort go for naught.

I had a rather interesting train of thought last night while I was being kept awake by the muggy weather and I will share it with you soon (probably later tonight). Until then though, you'll have to make do with the scraps of knowledge I decide to bestow upon you.
Peasants: Scraps? Yay!

My doctor's appointment came to pass yesterday and now I've got a whole pharamacy of things. The main thing I've got is a new drug for my stomach thing. Unfortunately, this new drug does exactly the same thing as the Zantac and the Prevacid did and they didn't help in the least so I'm not holding out much hope for a turn-around with this one.

The doctor only really gave me this new prescription as something to try anyway. Since the problem hasn't gone away (and has, in fact, gotten worse) and my X-ray and ultrasound failed to find the problem, he's going to get a specialist to call me and book an appointment. The crappy thing is that it can take months to get an appointment (which is why I get a new drug). And seeing as I'll be at school come September, it'll be pretty hard to get checked out then. So my epic battle with my mysterious stomach ailment may continue until December or longer. Whooo!

Well, I think this probably a good time to finish before the power flickers again. Until next time citizens!

Quilted Porcupine, away!