The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Dreams are Strange

So last night I was indulging in my sleeping habit when I had all sorts of craziness go running through my head.

The first dream was the cooler/longer/possibly weirder so I'll talk about it in a bit. The second dream was quite bizarre. It started with a bunch of young people in a classroom (I'd say in the 10-14 year old range, apparently I was also in that age range). I distracted the teacher by asking a question about something and then the rest of the kids threw something (I think it may have been pins) at the teacher, thus killing her somehow.

Apparently this was the signal for some big to the death battle to start between all the young people and the older people. Everyone in the dream seemed to be under 15 or over 40 and not so much with the getting along. I stumbled upon a mother and young daughter (like 4 year old) and they were refusing to battle. Fortunately I just advised them to get out of the area.
What makes this dream particularly memorable (aside from the oddly high level of violence) is that I've had this dream before. I cannot remember exactly when I had it as it was a long time ago (at least months, if not years, ago). I do not normally have recurring dreams so that was rather strange. It is even stranger when one considers the distance between dreams.
The other dream was cooler/weirder and much less violent. Somehow I ended up being transferred to some bizarre other world. This world was not a real world but an imaginary one created by a giant yellow bird (and no, it wasn't Big Bird. Think a canary or budgie or one of those smaller birds which are or can be yellow in color but much, much larger).

The world consisted of five floors which could be travelled between by use of an elevator. There were a number of other creatures populating the world as well. There were a few people, a couple dogs (one friendly, the other very evil and dangerous) as well as some random creatures I can no longer recall.

I ending up taking the elevator to the fourth floor (which is where the bird lived) along with some woman I met in the created world. We convinced him to teleport us to the real world as it was dangerous to stay in his world (he must of been dying or something as it came up that if he died the world would cease to exist).

We got to the 'real' world but we were still in danger. Because we had come from the created world we had a sizeable chance of dying within our first day or so back (I think it was around 25% though it was slightly higher for the imaginary person because they didn't really exist (you would think that would really impact the odds but apparently not)).

We felt weak when we got back but we were quite determined to stay awake and thus not die. After a while though we did fall asleep but apparently we didn't die as we woke up the next day still very much not dead. And then we went bungie jumping for some reason. Ah, dreams.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Evil Plan

I brought my evil plan of owning as much MST3K as possible two steps closer to frution tonight with the ordering of MST3K Volumes 3 and 4. That will give me up to Volume 5 (not to mention the stuff I was able to obtain via other means).

I also noted that Volume 7 is coming out in a few weeks so my next purchase will almost certainly be Volumes 6 and 7. After that I'll have to pick up individual or two ep packs (there are a few available) to sate my MST3K needs.

And for those of you wondering how getting episodes of MST3K is evil, good question.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Productivity Quotient Exceeded!

Despite a somewhat lazy start I managed to get some stuff done today. I posted a review on my site, I watched the 60's Batman movie (productive because I took notes for a review which will probably get written up tomorrow) plus I got a goodish amount of writing done.

Of course now I'm just sitting around listening to random music and lurking about the Space message boards but one cannot expect me to be productive for too many hours in a day.

I'm glad I do not work a 9-5 or, imaginary god forbid, a 8-4 shift. My favorite and most productive time of day is definitely after 10 PM. During the day there's way too much nagging and other non-fun things on the go which detract from my ability and ambition when it comes to getting things done.

Update: Magus Theme! Quick, someone get me a shotglass!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Day of Little Accomplishment

I was rather disappointed in my getting things done level today. I had plans to get a fair amount of stuff done but whenever I started to make an effort to get things done my energy level nose-dived. The only thing I got done today was the note taking part of a Clone High review.

I finally gave up on the idea of getting anything substantial done today around 12:30 AM. So I'm retroactively labelling this day as a purely relaxational day in the hopes that tomorrow will see far more productivity.

I've had some nifty new story ideas that I want to get plotted out (though I've got enough stories on my plate right now that I'll hold off on the actual writing for a while yet).

I've found that my dreams of late have been a goldmine of story ideas. My dreams have always been strange but lately I've found myself seeing ways elements from my dreams could be part of a story. In some cases I've had dreams that were coherent enough that I could even just put the entire dream into story form with little or no changes and I'd have a great little story. My dreams are often even following dramatic conventions as far as the rise in action -> climax -> resolution stuff goes. The only downside is that I often don't bother to write anything down until later in the day by which time I cannot always remember what the dream was even about.

Hey, I guess I've got TWO productive like things now that I've gotten a post done. Half-assed productivity is still productivity.

Sunday, March 20, 2005



I saw The Ring 2 tonight with Nathan, Granger and her mom. I quite enjoyed the first one so I had relatively high expectations here but they were not met.
The movie, despite dealing with content which is theoritically unique, felt extremely forumalic. It was easy to anticipate virtually every twist and the 'scares' (both the real ones and then we're going to try and make you think something scary is going to happen but it won't) were easy to see coming (you could even easily tell when it would be a real scare and when it would be a fake-out) and even when the scares came, they mostly generated a 'meh' reaction from me.
Sadly enough the thing I enjoyed most about the movie was laughing at some of the other people in the theatre who were apparently suffering from bad nerves or something and would scream at the slightest unexpected happening (not even a scary thing really, just something that wasn't expected).
I've now seen three movies this week (exluding MST3K); Cube Zero, Cursed and The Ring Two. Without having seen the movies I would have guessed that Ring Two would be ranked first or second while Cursed would be a distant third. I was actually pleasantly surprised by Cursed. It wasn't a great movie by any means but it was decent and I certainly enjoyed it more than tonight's film.