The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

I now have an easy answer to the question, "What's the worst movie you've ever seen?"

Manos: The Hands of Fate is that movie. Pretty much every possible way a movie can be bad, this movie was bad in. The acting was terrible, the writing was terrible, the pacing was really bad (they spent like 10 minutes showing crappily shot driving scenes at the first), the plot was anticlimatic and generally stupid, the editing was far worse than anything I've seen before (they'd often do things like splice multiple takes together so characters would suddenly shift a foot to the right, or the lighting would change or something). I LOVE really bad movies, but if it hadn't been for the fact I was watching the MST3K version, I don't know if I could have watched the whole thing. It's so bad that it almost stops being funny. I checked on IMDB and it clocks in at #3 on their bottom 100 films list. It shows.

So I not only got some entertainment, I also now can say what the worst movie I've ever seen was without having to think about it! Yay!

I was all set to get drunk tonight (it's been a long time) but then the few people who were around either didn't want to or couldn't drink and I didn't really want to get drunk by myself. Ah well. Got to watch some TV and such (and there'll be other chances to get drunk yet :P).

Defunct Word of the Day: sopar
It's an obscure variant of 'supper'. Pretty great eh? For sopar I err ah wanta party platta!

Friday, April 09, 2004

Not in a very type-y mood tonight. I'm not in a bad mood or anything like that; I just have a heightened apathy towards expending effort right now. So instead of typing a whole lot, I'm going to go back to watching stuff on my laptop. Ta!

Defunct Word of the Day: clop
It's a rare verb meaning "to hobble".

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Well, last philosophy essay is over with. I just wrote an essay on an ethical problem involving logging in British Columbia. Not the best essay I've ever written (not even the best phil one) but I'm fairly happy with it.

Tomorrow I pass in that essay during an optional (and I'm guessing rather short) Environmental Ethics class and then it's off to Creative Writing to pass in my portfolio and read one of my pieces (oh boy! (note the sarcasm)) to the class. I haven't decided what one I'm going to do for sure yet but I'm thinking my formal poem would probably be best. The majorily revised version of my zombie story is my favorite piece of the term but with everyone reading we really don't have time to do longer pieces.

And that class (barring some sort of failure on my part) will mark the end of my under-grad classes. Even though I'm typing that it's VERY hard to believe. Tomorrow feels like it's going to be like any other day of class. I guess I'll wrap my head around this graduating thing someday but that day is obviously not today.

Defunct Word of the Day: hugge

It's a verb meaning "To shudder, shrink, or shake with fear or with cold"

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Spiderman is back. Yayness!

A couple months ago Teletoon temporarily removed it from their schedule. This left Superfriends as my only source for really poorly made cartoons (and it's only on once a week!). Fortunately (and probably due to the upcoming movie) they only put it on a temporary hiatus instead of taking it off the scheudle all together. Now it's not only back at an earlier timeslot (9:30 PM instead of 12:30 AM), they are also showing either the first half of its run or the entire series. This school year they had only been airing the last half of the show. So now we get to watch the episodes that many of the later episodes only changed slightly and re-dubbed (not that we hadn't seen them before but it's been quite a while).

Tonight's episode was the original Dr. Connor lizard episode and "Electro the Human Lightning Bolt". Both very 'well made' and highly entertaining.

Defunct Word of the Day: Hiddy
It's an adverb for something that is 'lofty' or 'towering'

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Here's a tip. If you're doing a presentation, don't just read a piece of paper. EXTREMELY boring it is.

Defunct Word of the Day: yalt

It's an obscure past tense form of yield.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Today's been an odd day.

On Saturday I got a good chunk of my environmental ethics essay done. The plan was to finish it today but instead I hardly worked on it at all. I just have absolutely NO motivation at all. Everytime I tried to do work, I quickly moved on to something else. I still want to get it done for Tuesday (though it's not due till Thursday) so I hope I'll be able to get some work done on it tomorrow.

Also tomorrow is the beginning of the Spike TV DS9 week! All week Spike TV is showing eps of DS9. I haven't seen much DS9 this year and none at all since its run ended on Space a couple months ago so I'm looking forward to the opportunity to watch it again. Such a great show.

Defunct Word of the Day: no-God

It's a rare noun which means 'absence of God'.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Lousy spring ahead. I always feel gipped by the whole moving the clock ahead an hour thing because it means that I've got one less hour with which to enjoy my weekend. The extra hour in the fall levels things out but it still sucks to be losing an hour of valuable weekend time!

Defucnt Word of the Day: Vomiturition

Believe it or not, it refers to ineffective attempts at vomit inducing. Best word ever! :P