The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Quick post tonight as I don't have much time. I'll just say that 15-20 minute roadwork related delays = double plus fun!!!!

Quote of the YesterDay: "Welcome to Sutter Creek. Five years ago, the gold ran dry. Now the Sheriff is dead, the mayor is running a brothel and the minister is a drunk. My kind of town! "
- Big Smith

I didn't actually expect anyone to get this one but Yume did so she gets the shiny new point.

Quote of the Day: "Let's just say he's the king of all faries and leave it at that."

Friday, August 13, 2004

I was watching CNN a few days back while cooking some food and I saw something both disturbing and funny. The memory kind of went away for a while before resurfacing today, seemingly at random. They were talking about how America is perceived in Iraq and, ineviatably, the whole prision scandal thing came up. They had also talked about it the day before and they read some viewer mail.

Some of the people seemed reasonably intelligent and had good things to say. Some, not so good. There was one letter they read from some woman in Texas. She was commenting in response to someone who had been on the show who said that not only were the prisoners mis-treated, but that almost 90% of them end up being mistakenly imprisoned and later released without being charged with anything. This woman said there was nothing wrong with the innocent Iraqis being lumped in with the rebels. She said that if Iraqis can say that all Americans are bad then we can say that all Iraqis are bad. So she used a broad stereotype/sweeping generality (i.e. that all Iraqis hate Americans) to support her broad stereotype of hating all Iraqis. Gotta love that line of reasoning. The worst part is you just know there were people who watched that and nodded their heads in agreement. Stupid fucking people.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Don't be afraid to use your nails, boys!"
- The Scoutmaster

I kind of cheated by using this one from Simpsons when I had just used a Simpsons quote but my reasoning was that I would consider this a Radioactive Man quote. Pretty sweet, eh? Hbaka gets the point.

Quote of the Day: "Welcome to Sutter Creek. Five years ago, the gold ran dry. Now the Sheriff is dead, the mayor is running a brothel and the minister is a drunk. My kind of town! "
Best o' luck on this one.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Remember how I was all tired last night and I thought I'd get a longer than usual amount of sleep to make up for it? That didn't go so well.

Attempted going to sleep time: 2 AM
Actual going to sleep time: somewhere around 6-6:30 AM

I stayed in bed until about 3:30 AM before deciding I was bored of lying in bed and not feeling sleepy (tiredness went away almost as soon as I got in bed). I then played around on the computer and ended up playing a good hour or so of Saturday Night Slammasters with Andre thanks the magic of

Side note: I love the fact a service like exists. Playing beloved classics like Slammasters and Rock and Roll Racing is much more fun with a second person playing. Andre and I seemed to suck up a storm in Slammasters though. I'll blame the emulator and the fact we were using non SNES controllers cause we can't be that mediocore. :P If any of my readers are looking for some SNES action, I'm ready to kick your butts (or kick the computer's butt if it's a co-op game), pretty much anytime. :)

As I noted above I didn't actually get to bed until some time after 6 AM. Then I had to get up at 11 AM. When I went to sleep I had no blankets on me. When I woke up I had somehow managed to get under the sheet that goes on the mattress itself. Needless to say, my body was less than thrilled to be getting up after only 5 hours of sleep.

Work itself was extremely busy (i.e. very little time not taking calls). They actually ended up offering just about everyone some overtime. I could have stayed until 1:30 and gotten an extra hour and a half myself. I might have actually done the OT but I knew the tiredness (that had disappeared by 1 PM or 2 PM) could come slamming back at anytime so I decided against it.

While really busy, work also went by really quickly. I guess there are advantages to depriving your brain of sleep. Time just blurs nicely together and before you know it, the day is over.

Quote of the YesterDay: "In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"

Peasel didn't seem very sure of herself but she guessed correctly so she gets the point.

Quote of the Day: "Don't be afraid to use your nails, boys!"

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Another one of those mysteriously low energy days upon me today (seem to be happening fairly often of late). I got a good night's sleep but for whatever reason I've been tired all day. I even tried having a bit of a nap in the later stages of the afternoon but I couldn't sleep. It feels like tiredness tired but I guess it must actually be weariness tired (though I have no idea why I'm feeling either).

In an effort to combat that I'm actually thinking on going to bed around 2 AM or so. This will give me the option of having 9 hours of sleep (maybe I bit more), if my body so desires it. Then I've got one of those work days ahead of me BUT I don't have to work the next day until 3:15 PM which means that tomorrow I can stay up till 6 AM (a full 6 hours after my work day is done) and have a generally relaxing and/or enjoyable time. Sounds like a plan to me.

Quote of the YesterDay is once again being replaced for the YesterDay. It's actually Question of the YesterDay: On what show would you find the satellite of Love?
- Mystery Science Theater 3000

Yume got this one to give her another point.

Bonus not really a Question more of a Demand of the Day: Name the entire crew of said satellite (any season) (the creditted crew anyway)
- Either Joel Robinson, Tom Servo, Crow T. Robot, Gypsy, Cambot OR Mike Nelson, Tom Servo, Crow T. Robot, Gypsy, Cambot OR Joel Hodgson, Tom Servo, Crow T. Robot, Gypsy, Cambot (Joel used his real last name in the first season but not the rest)

Yume came o' so close on this one but she forgot about Cambot. Cambot's pretty easy to forget as he doesn't talk and he's never actually on camera (what with him being the one doing the filming and all). So no points on this one.

Quote of the Day: "In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"

Update: Turns out I'm only tired when I'm not trying to sleep. As soon as I went to bed I stopped being tired and an hour and a half of lying in bed didn't change anything.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

After some delays for movie watching and the like it is time to make the Superfriends contest winner announcement! Huzzah!

The first entry comes to us from Bustin with his untitled story (if you've yet to read it go check his blog for the 6th of August. The second entry, "The Superfriends and the Curse of the Haunted Mummy" is from Peasel and Hbaka who submitted their entry on August 8th (check either of their blogs on that date for that story).

An additional point of interest is my decision before even reading the stories to award a consolation prize for the second place entry. I've yet to decide exactly what the prize will be but it will be a something on a CD.

So here's some of the thoughts that are being weighed during the judging process. The cons are bit longer than the pros but that's just cause when you point out good things, it's pretty self-evident as to why they are good but when you point out cons you kind of have to show why they are cons.

Bustin's story

Pros: I absolutely loved the plot of this one. The villain as well as his inexplicable sun reverser machine made me laugh and was SOOOO Superfriends. Some good use of lame dialogue as well (my fav probably being Aqua Man's comment about netting crime fish)

Cons: Bustin's minimal superfriend knowledge does kind of shine through in spots. Some of the catchphrases where over-used while others were misquoted ('By' often got put where 'great' should have been, should be saying "Wondertwins power activate. Shape of/Form of). There's also some horrible spelling in there which kills the mood a bit when you are reading. If it were animated that wouldn't be a factor though so I didn't put too much weight on spelling.

Hbaka and Peasel's story:

Pros: This felt a lot like one of those second segment stories featuring the Wonder Twins. The dialogue was very Superfriendsy as well as the way the story fit together. I particularly liked the nonsensical solution to the mummy curse and how said solution ends up happening. They also formatted their script as a script would be formatted and there were some cool little touches like the star sequeway. Also I thought the Wondertwins and Gleek were characterized extremely well.

Cons: Some of the other characters weren't characterized quite as well as the Wondertwins and Gleek. This is a bit nit picky as a point but I also thought the initial team sent in to deal with a museum emergency. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are all top level heroes. Usually they'd have replaced one of those (given the plot probably Wonder Woman) with a B level Superfriend. I'd guess probably Black Vulcan or Apache Chief). The ending also felt like one of those lame humor moments that you would expect from Superfriends but I don't think the Superfriends would do something that dishonest. It helps the curator out but it does so by deceiving others.

And now the moment that at least 3 of you have been waiting for. The announcement of the winner. The nominees are "Heatwave of Doom" (title I just came up with on the spot) and "The Superfriends and the Curse of the Haunted Mummy"

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"Superfriends and the Curse of the Haunted Mummy"

I liked both stories a lot but "Superfriends and the Curse of the Haunted Mummy" felt like it could be produced as is and it would be impossible to spot it as a fan script. Congrats Andre and Tammy, when you combine your powers you can come up with a story as good as anything the real writers came up with (I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not :P)

Quote of the YesterDay: "Meanwhile, thousands of years in the future..."
~Narrator from Superfriends

Peasel guessed this one. Personally I love this quote. When dealing with time travel many shows employ the non-sensical convention of having both timelines advancing at the same time but only Superfriends will emphasize that non-sensicalness by saying something like that.

Quote of the Day is once again being replaced for the Day. It's actually Question of the Day: On what show would you find the satellite of Love?

Bonus not really a Question more of a Demand of the Day: Name the entire crew of said satellite (any season) (the creditted crew anyway)

Monday, August 09, 2004

Well, I know now what a 3 back to back 11.5 hour shifts (each one less than 12 hours after the previous one) feels like. Fortunately, it's all smooth sailing now (at least until the weekend after next when it happens again). It wasn't as bad as I feared it would be though so it's all good.

The downside about the long work days is that it often leaves me with little to talk about as very little happened to me outside of sleep and work this weekend. I thought about reading and judging the contest entries tonight but I'm feeling a bit too lazy for that so I'll put that off until tomorrow. (esp since I'm getting up kinda early tomorrow)

Quote of the YesterDay: "Now is the winter of our discontent"
- Richard III

This one comes from Richard III of course. I'm kind of disappointed that nobody got this one as I figured it was a pretty easy one. Read a book, you uncultured slobs! (well a playbook anyway) :P

Quote of the Day : "Meanwhile, thousands of years in the future"

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Long day. This time it wasn't so much cause of the shift though. The shift was long but it was a pretty ideal shift. Lots of time between calls, no unpleasant calls and even a few people who commented on my excellent support. Unfortunately around 2:30 my tummy started bothering me. That started to subside around 4-4:30ish but that was accompanied by the onset of a fever which I've still got going.

So the plan right now is to lay on the couch till 4:30 AM watching Superfriends and then get 8 hours o' sleep (maybe a bit more). Hopefully that'll improve the situation.

Quote of the YesterDay: "I'm sick of being the guy who eats insects and gets the funny syphilis."
- Xander
Hbaka picked up on this one which isn't surprising considering the source.

Quote of the Day: "Now is the winter of our discontent."
- ?

I'm looking for the original speaker here, not someone who quoted said speaker.