The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Found out tonight that I got the job I interviewed for. So yay for no more unemployment! :)

The downside is that it starts at 4:30 PM on the 9th. That's this coming Wednesday. So tomorrow (at 9 AM - eep) I have to go to Moncton to try to find a place to stay. Since I'm not sure if the job will work out and I'm not making oodles of money (though I'm getting decent money), I'm going to try to get a room for starters. If the job proves to be something I enjoy (or at least tolerate) then I'll look into getting an actual appartment. For now though, a room shall suffice. I'm hoping to get one with internet access (a few of the ones I looked at online tonight advertised high-speed internet access) cause otherwise my net access will be somewhat limited until I get more settled in.

I was kind of expecting to have at least another week and a half, possibly longer, before the job started and I was going to use that time for having fun with my friends and hanging out and such. I guess I'll have to get that all in over the next few days. (seeing as I'm only a couple hours away though I'm sure I'll be visiting at least a couple times over the summer so it's not all bad).

Quote of the YesterDay: "Due to the end of civilization as we know it, the Clamp Cable Network is now off the air. We hope you've enjoyed our programming. But most importantly, we hope you've enjoyed... life."
- Pre-recorded TV Announcer

This one came from Gremlins 2. Since nobody got it, I order you all to watch or rewatch that movie, brother!

Quote of the Day:
Woman: "Would you like to come in for a glass of milk and cookies?"
Man: "I'm afraid it's rather late. Why, it's 10:30!"
Man: "Milk and cookies, did you say?"
Woman: "I made the cookies myself."
Man: "Man cannot live by crime-fighting alone."

To make this one easier I included two sections of the same scene. One point for the name of the man. Two points for who a villian thought the woman to be. Three points for the name of the woman. (note that I log points or anything, I just thought I'd put a difficulty gauge in there)

This afternoon we had a cute little skunk visit our front yard. Fortunately Heidi was inside at the time. He/she was having quite a time digging up bugs and stuff for a good hour and a half. Eventually someone went outside though and when it heard the door close it hightailed it out of there. It seemed a bit smaller than your usual skunk but I haven't seen that many close up.

I actually like skunks. I think they're pretty cute and they are pretty much completely harmless and defenseless except for the spray ability.

Quote of the YesterDay: "You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try."

As Bustin pointed out, Homer gives this advice to his kids.

Quote of the Day: "Due to the end of civilization as we know it, the Clamp Cable Network is now off the air. We hope you've enjoyed our programming. But most importantly, we hope you've enjoyed... life."

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Well, the muscle ache thing went away and I was feeling pretty good today. Had a good workout at the gym and everything. Unfortunately around 9:30 PM I suddenly had no energy. I also seem to be doing the fever thing. As such I think I may actually go to bed early tonight. Daily Show's on in a minute and I'm going to watch that. Depending on how I feel afterwards I might just tape Angel and go straight to bed. Much like yesterday I have no idea while I feel crappy tonight and it feels like the sort of thing a good night's sleep will solve.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Once again, the U.S. is spending millions to oust a puppet they spent millions to get into office. They'll spend more millions on the coverup to hide having spent those millions and even more millions to discredit members of the media who report otherwise. It's a good thing they print their own money."
- Cornfed

This little gem comes from Duckman. Such a great show.

Quote of the Day: "You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try."

Update: Turns out that the tiredness did vanish by 12:30 or so. I was all set for some never seen by me before Angel and got to watch a good 8 minutes of it or so (I'm pretty sure it was the ep where they turn him back into Angelus to get info on the Beast) and then the lights went bye-bye.

The power flickered twice and then went out completely. The weather wasn't that bad last night either. I mean it was raining but there was a complete lack of thunder/lightning, high winds, etc.

Normally in that situation I probably would have just gone to bed. I remembered however that my sister had to be up for 5 AM to go to her clinical in Truro. I was pretty sure she didn't have a battery in her alarm clock either. So I woke her and confirmed that. Neither of us had any ideas of how to ensure she'd be up by 5 so I volunteered to stay awake till the power came back on. Yay for sitting around in the dark trying to read and find something that can play music for an hour and a half!

No e-mail today so I started poking around, looking for appartment type things in Moncton. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of one bedroom places available but I've only checked a few websites so far. I did find one that sounded pretty nice and was only $450/month but it was kind of far away from where I'd be working (though it's apparently right by a bus stop).

In other news, I've got some sort of weird ache thing going on in my neck, shoulders and upper back. I have no idea why I have it but it's totally zapped by energy. I almost went to bed at 11! Hopefully a good night's sleep will get rid of it as it's not a lot of fun.

Quote of the YesterDay:
"I don't know, Flanders, having two wives could have its advantages."
"Chop, chop, dig, dig, chop, chop, dig, dig, chop, chop, dig, dig..."
"You know, Homey, there's so much more two wives could do for you..."
"I hear digging, but I don't hear chopping!"
The speakers were, of course, Marge and Homer. Homer decided he didn't want two wives after his fantasy ended with his being stung by 'a friendly bee'.

Quote of the Day: "Once again, the U.S. is spending millions to oust a puppet they spent millions to get into office. They'll spend more millions on the coverup to hide having spent those millions and even more millions to discredit members of the media who report otherwise. It's a good thing they print their own money."

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Moncton-ing went well. It turns out that instead of an interview it was just a techincal test. 40 multiple choice questions seemingly designed to show you have decent computer knowledge before they gave you an interview.

Fortunately the interview was a phone interview (so I didn't need to drive back to Moncton again) and I had it at 7 tonight. Interview went really well according to the interviewer and as long as I don't get an e-mail in the next couple days, I've probably got a spot (Interviewer didn't seem to think it was likely I'd be getting said e-mail either). So if all goes well, in 2-3 weeks I'll be contacted and training will get started (they train large numbers at once so I have to wait till they get the numbers they want). And then I'll be able to get out of the limbo between being a student and being something else (other than unemployed).

Quotes of the YesterDays: "Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand things with alloys and compositions and things with... molecular structures."
- Ash

"Well maybe I didn't say every single tiny little syllable, but yeah, I said them. Basically."
Granger gets credit for the identification this time around. Both are said by Ash during Army of Darkness.

Quote of the Day:
"I don't know, Flanders, having two wives could have its advantages."
"Chop, chop, dig, dig, chop, chop, dig, dig, chop, chop, dig, dig..."
"You know, Homey, there's so much more two wives could do for you..."
"I hear digging, but I don't hear chopping!"

It should be pretty easy to identify the two speakers here so to make it a little more challenging, I want to also know why 'Homey' decided that having two wives wouldn't be good after all.

Monday, May 31, 2004

So tomorrow I go and do the Moncton thing. If I do get the job, I'm gonna to miss a lot of the stuff around here. One thing I certainly won't be missing is the parental nagging. Sometimes they drive me VERY crazy. Like today.

Of course, I'm probably more suspectible today due to the lack of sleep. Last night my sister and I were both out. As such, Heidi went to bed much earlier than usual. So when I got home she was well rested. As such she wasn't so much into the idea of going to bed when I wanted to go. So I got to bed for real around 7 AM.

The plus of that is that I watched Teen Titans instead of recording it and was able to set the VCR to record on a diff channel for 8 (when Batman was on). Getting to record Batman was particularly good as today had one of the most vile fiends of all time, the dreaded Bookworm!

Quote of the YesterDay: "Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand things with alloys and compositions and things with... molecular structures."
I'm very disappointed in all of you. This quote was easy! You should have all gotten it! If I had the power to smite you all, you would be smoten. :P So I'm leaving it as a blank in the hopes someone will get it this time. To make it even easier I'm including another quote from the same show/movie as the first one.

Quote of the Day: "Well maybe I didn't say every single tiny little syllable, but yeah, I said them. Basically."

I can't make it much easier than that without using a dead giveaway quote.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Well, I finally got around to trying out the new Captain Sub at the mall today. I give it a hearty endorsement.
Ways it's diff from Subway that aren't good or bad - Name, available subs.
Ways it is worse than Subway - 10 subs to get a free one instead of 8, not open 24/7 (in a mall so that's not really possible)
Ways it is better than Subway - grated cheese instead of slices, toasted bread, more sauces (including Tobasco!), they track your subs for you via comp so you don't need to get stamps and a card, get a mint to have after you are done with your sub.

I've only had the one sub so far so I can't really be sure on the quality difference between Subway or anything but the grilled chicken sub there was really good.

I'm not all that tired despite it being 4 AM and I'm kind of tempted to stay up and watch the Justice League, Superfriends and Teen Titans combo on YTV-West but I know I'll be woken by noon at the latest so I suppose I should go to sleep.

Quote of the YesterDay: "You know this whole movie deftly illustrates one unshakeable principle; never go to the South for any reason. In fact, South, secede will ya? We won't stop you this time"
- Crow
That one came from the MST 3K ep I watched yesterday (which is where I learned about the worms)

Quote of the Day: "Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand things with alloys and compositions and things with... molecular structures."