The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

The big move happens tomorrow. It's going to be a big change. I don't even get to take Cassie with me (at least not till I get an actual appartment) so I'm going to have nobody there at all that I actually know.

On the plus side it's a lot more freedom (esp from nagging). I also get to have the car for a week or so. Which also means I'll be back in PC for a couple days in the not too distant future.

My computer situation is going to be getting a lot worse. Aside from missing people and pets, that's probably the biggest drawback. I'm going from having a decent comp to use dial-up on to using an old laptop with no sound card and a finicky power cord (It's Pentium MMX but I'm not sure the exact processor speed) and no net connection. I'm hoping to get high-speed internet in my room ASAP though so that shouldn't last long (and I may be able to get online some other way in the meantime). I'm also going to have to invest in a new computer. Once I start getting paid I'll have to check out Dell and others to see if I can find something good.

In the meantime I'll be relying on my cube, my PSX, my old computer games, some VHS tapes, TV and books to keep my occupied. Actually that's quite a lot so I'll probably be able to entertain myself for a while at least.

As you've probably surmised already, limited online access is going to mean limited blogging. So until I've got a reliable net connection, don't expect the daily updates I usually post. I will try to post at least sporadically to let everyone know how things are going though.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Oh my God! This man is my exact double. [gasps] Oh my God! That dog has a puffy tail! Here, Puff! Here, Puff!"
- Homer
I've not kept track but I wouldn't be surprised to find Homer is the most quote person on here by quite a bit. Bustin explained the context in yesterday's comments so if you don't actually know the context, check that out.

Quote of the Day: (Going to make this a trickier one since it might be for much more than a day)
"Next time you have a cat caught up a tree, and you need the government's help, don't call me."

To make it a little easier I'll let you know it's from something I watched today. Happy guessing!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Looks like tonight's going to be one of those Trevor's tired and lazy so you just get the quotes updates. I'll try to pick a quote everyone can enjoy though.

Quote of the YesterDay:
Some guy: Why can't we pick our own colors?
Some other guy: No way, no way. Tried it once, it doesn't work. You get four guys all fighting over who's gonna be Mr. Black.
The movie's Reservoir Dogs as Granger pointed out. Some guy is Mr. Pink and Some other guy is Joe. Granger never actually said that but she probably knew them so she still gets cred (esp since nobody else tried to answer :P).

Quote of the Day:
"Oh my God! This man is my exact double. [gasps] Oh my God! That dog has a puffy tail! Here, Puff! Here, Puff!"

An easy one for you all tonight.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Started reading Marathon Man by William Goldman (probably best known as the guy who wrote Princess Bride. It's a rather good book so far. It's rather short as well (somewhere in the 250 page range). Pretty dark book so far but a good one. I'll probably finish it off before I go to bed tonight.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Our top stories tonight: a tremendous explosion in the price of lumber,President Reagan dyes...his hair"
- Kent Brockman, Channel 6 Action News (Simpsons)
Nobody got an easy Simpsons quote. Shame on you all! To attone, please sent me a cheque for $10 or more. Otherwise, burn in all for all eternity. :P

Quote of the Day:
Some guy: Why can't we pick our own colors?
Some other guy: No way, no way. Tried it once, it doesn't work. You get four guys all fighting over who's gonna be Mr. Black.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

I actually did do a up a good-sized blupdate last night but then when it was all done except the quote of the day the comp did a blue screen of death and I was too lazy to re-do.

Extremely Short version: Lots of hunting. Got home at 11:45 PM. Saw some really crappy places. Places that were close to things were small or scuzzy. Got a really nice place that's a bit out of the way but not far from where I work (up towards Magnetic Hill). If you want more details, just ask.

Quote of the YesterDay:
Woman: "Would you like to come in for a glass of milk and cookies?"
Man: "I'm afraid it's rather late. Why, it's 10:30!"
Man: "Milk and cookies, did you say?"
Woman: "I made the cookies myself."
Man: "Man cannot live by crime-fighting alone."
Batman goes in for 'milk and cookies' after getting a kiss from Lisa (King Tut thought she was the reincarnation of Cleopatra). Bonus Fun Fact: Lee Merriweather played Lisa and she also played Catwoman in the 60s Batman movie.

Quote of the Day (since I'm a bastard and all): "Our top
stories tonight: a tremendous explosion in the price of
lumber,President Reagan dyes...his hair"