The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Fun with Stats

It turns out that the paved road by my house was a pretty low priority to get plowed for some reason so I had another day of Weekend 2 (which acutally makes it about 6 hours longer than the normal weekend and gives me a 2 off, 1 on, 2 off, 2 on, 2 off schedule). With this added free time I did all sorts of productive things. Or at least thought about doing them.

I did one thing that was almost kind of productive. I beat Resident Evil 4. I've still got some bonus stuff to play through that was unlocked when I beat the game but the main game has been beaten. If you were even remotely interested in the earlier games, I'd highly recommend this one.

Another thing I did today while having much time on my hands was take a look at my stats for the blog. Some interesting results to be seen. One thing that seemed a bit odd (but cool) was that 80% of my recent traffic comes from people using some sort of Firefox/Mozilla browser. That leaves 17% using an IE browser and 3% using Safari.

The thing I always found most fascinating whenever I get around to looking at my stats is the stats on how people got to me site. There were a number of rather unusual search results that lead to people finding this site. I think my two favorite searches would have to be 'Duckman Thrust Your Pelvis' and 'Catwoman Julie Newmar style'. Old school Catwomen seem to be getting a fair amount of searches these days as I also had a couple different search strings with 'Catwoman' and 'Lee Merriweather' in them.

I really should start checking those stats more often (at least once a month or so). Who knows what other searches people might be using to find this site.

And now I must go to, shockingly enough, do something productive. Said something will most likely include work on a rather interesting and potentially time consuming project I came up with earlier today.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Weekend 2: The Lazening

Gotta love snow storms. Last week we had 2 rather unpleasant storms, one on Monday and the other on Thursday. I don't work on Thursdays so that one didn't have much of an impact on me.

I do work on Mondays and they even declared an "Inclement Weather Day" at work but the snow let up quite a bit in the afternoon and the roads were plowed so I came to work. It turns out about 80% of people did not. Despite the fact the roads and weather conditions weren't that bad, the 'inclement weather day' gave everyone an excuse to have an unpaid day off if they wanted it. Obviously most people did. There were about 12 of us who came in for the 5 o'clock shift instead of the usual 60-70. I wanted that day off and I was hoping the weather would continue to be stormy but it didn't so I didn't think I had a good reason not to go to work. Apparenlty I'm less lazy (relatively) than I thought.

Today we got another storm and while it wasn't TOO bad in the morning from the sounds of things it was going to be really hard for me to get back home. I could have stayed at one of several places in NG but I'd rather have a day off and spend the evening at home.

Despite what you may be lead to believe by the title of this post, it wasn't all being lazy today. I actually spent a good portion of the day (3 hours or so) organizing my CDs and what not. I have a CD binder which used to have my 'backed up' DVDs in it but I realized I had a lot more CDs of stuff than DVDs so it made more sense to transfer the CDs to the binder. The process would have been fairly quick but some of the CDs were from the pre CD marker having era so I had to load those ones up to make sure the case was accurate as far as what was inside.

At the end of the whole process I had 145 CDs in the binder ranging from MST3K (25 eps/CDs) to anime (quite a few series) to games to Duckman to misc stuff (I have like 6 or 7 CDs that have 'misc' on them). And that's not counting all the DVD stuff. Now I just have to catalog all my various CDs and DVDs in a catalogue of some sort.

So it wasn't all lazy stuff. Of course, the rest of the day was pretty much just me lounging around and being lazy. From the sounds of things Weekend 2 could end up being extended another day so if that happens maybe I'll get even more quasi-productive. Time shall tell.

It seems to take a bit more to get a day off out of a snow storm than it did back during my school days but still have to appreciate any weather condition that encourages an increase in free time.