The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

So much for starting around noon. New start time is officially 10 AM (though more like 9:15 in practice)

Lousy inability to get back to sleep post-breakfast!

Definitely going to make a nearly impossible challenge even more challenging.
For every hour of sleep I had last night, I have to stay awake for 12 hours. Fun, no?

Me and my stupid ideas.

See, I just had one.

That is that starting tomorrow I am going to go for one of my pitiful attempts at staying up a hell of a long time. When I've tried these in the past I've either had no set goal or one of 100 hours. This time I think I shall go for a 'mere' 72 hours (the amount of time one has to be awake to be considered legally insane).

If past experience is any indication, I am pretty much bound to fail at this challenge. My personal best at the moment is 42 hours. I also strongly believe that in order for one of these challenges to succeed, you really can't do it alone. Nevertheless I'm going to give it another try. I do have friends who are up really late (I'm looking at you Tom :P) and so hopefully that'll help.

I probably shouldn't be doing this right now as I have work to do and stuff but I'm going to try to get the vast majority of things out of the way tomorrow and make sure that I don't have to do any more work after tomorrow until at least Monday.

Is this idea stupid? Yes.
Will I fail? Almost certainly. Hell, I wouldn't be that surprised if I came to my senses and dropped out on the first night.
Am I going to try anyway? Sure am. At the very least, I may inspire someone else to try along with me next time. :P

Oh and I'll also provide you, the reader with a variety of updates as long as I remain conscious, so if you are interested in how am doing, and too lazy to just ask, feel free to give em a read!

Quilted Porcupine, away!
PS - I'm aiming for an official start time of noon tomorrow. I may get up a bit earlier than that but it seems like a nice round number to go with.

Monday, October 13, 2003

Ah, the home life.

Pro - Got to see Heidi.
Con - Have to leave Cassie back at school.

Pro - Loads more channels (including the PPV ones (and yes, the porn ones too :P))
Con - Can hardly ever get access to the TV before midnight due to high demand

Pro - Load up on b-day swag
Con - Excessive periods of boredom

Pro - Get to see my one remaining high school friend
Con - All my other friends are elsewhere

Pro - Saw Kill Bill
Con - Constant nagging

Pro - Lots of free groceries
Con - 2 lengthy drives

Hmmm... I guess it more or less balances out. I'll still be glad to get back to Acadia tomorrow though. :P