The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Phew, long day.

Today's your final day to enter the Superfriends contest. Bustin's submitted his entry (you can check it out on his blog). I'm too lazy to read it right now but I'll be reading it (and any others that get submitted) on Sunday night most likely. The deadline for submission is still Saturday at 11:59 PM though.

Bizarre dream streak carried itself over into day 4 but I can no longer remember what the dream was about. I do remember it was very weird though.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Hamburgers. The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast."
- Jules

Yume picked this one up meaning she and Bustin are now co-captains (and probably engaged in one of those old school TOS battles with the cheesy coreography and the cool music).

Quote of the Day: "I'm sick of being the guy who eats insects and gets the funny syphilis."
- ?

Friday, August 06, 2004

Now today was a day with accomplishments. I got a haircut, I picked up some groceries, I did some creative type stuff and I still got to relax and enjoy the day.

One of the less enjoyable elements of the day was during the cooking process. For years now (pretty much since the start of university) I've had to use a combination of pot holders and/or dish towels anytime I had to take something out of the oven. If you've ever tried this yourself you probably know it's a bit more awkward than using an oven mitt. The two main concerns are using too many dish towels, which makes it hard to hold on to the tray and using too few or folding them in such a way that the spot your fingers touches the tray isn't protected very well. This has led to my getting the occasional finger burn and near tray drop. Today, I've finally decided that I should really invest in an oven mitt.

I was cooking fish and chips this afternoon and I had to take the tray out so I could flip the food over. I took the tray out of the oven and did the flipping thing. Then I put the tray back in the oven. Just after I had done so I thought that the dish towel seemed awfully hot on my fingers. I looked down to realize that one of the towels was aflame.

I threw the on the (linoleum) floor and beat the fire out pretty quickly with the other dish towel so the towel was only partially singed. The flames were a good 4-5 inches high when I first noticed the situation so I'm surprised the towel didn't take more damage. I did get a slight burn on my finger from the fire (probably from the pre my realizing it was a fire) but it felt fine again after only a couple hours so it was a very minor burn. In conclusion, oven mitts, good. Jury-rigged oven mitts, bad.

The bizarre dream streak reached its third day today as well as I had a dream that seemed like something out of an episode of Outer Limits. It didn't have the narrator or the cool intro but it was semi-futuristic and it did have the last minute swerve that is common to so many episodes of that show.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Well, what better place to celebrate your recovery than amidst the frenzied excitement of the casino floor."
- Homer
Hbaka gets credit on this one for his second point!

Quote of the Day: "Hamburgers. The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast."

I also got around to tallying up the points via a spreadsheet. So far there have been 24 chances for points with 20 points given out. Here's the rankings (maybe I'll get more ambitious and do up a table at some point but for now this will have to do:

Captain Bustin - 8 pts
Science Officer Yume Ryuu - 7 pts
Lieutenants Hbaka and Peasel - 2 pts a piece
Ensign Yume's friend Erin - 1 pt
Redshirts - 0 pts

I've got some other cool facts from the spreadsheet too (like how many quotes from what show were guessed by which person). Maybe I'll post those another time.

Remember, only two days left to enter to win the Superfriends DVD!

Now today was a day with accomplishments. I got a haircut, I picked up some groceries, I did some creative type stuff and I still got to relax and enjoy the day.

One of the less enjoyable elements of the day was during the cooking process. For years now (pretty much since the start of university) I've had to use a combination of pot holders and/or dish towels anytime I had to take something out of the oven. If you've ever tried this yourself you probably know it's a bit more awkward than using an oven mitt. The two main concerns are using too many dish towels, which makes it hard to hold on to the tray and using too few or folding them in such a way that the spot your fingers touches the tray isn't protected very well. This has led to my getting the occasional finger burn and near tray drop. Today, I've finally decided that I should really invest in an oven mitt.

I was cooking fish and chips this afternoon and I had to take the tray out so I could flip the food over. I took the tray out of the oven and did the flipping thing. Then I put the tray back in the oven. Just after I had done so I thought that the dish towel seemed awfully hot on my fingers. I looked down to realize that one of the towels was aflame.

I threw the on the (linoleum) floor and beat the fire out pretty quickly with the other dish towel so the towel was only partially singed. The flames were a good 4-5 inches high when I first noticed the situation so I'm surprised the towel didn't take more damage. I did get a slight burn on my finger from the fire (probably from the pre my realizing it was a fire) but it felt fine again after only a couple hours so it was a very minor burn. In conclusion, oven mitts, good. Jury-rigged oven mitts, bad.

The bizarre dream streak reached its third day today as well as I had a dream that seemed like something out of an episode of Outer Limits. It didn't have the narrator or the cool intro but it was semi-futuristic and it did have the last minute swerve that is common to so many episodes of that show.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Well, what better place to celebrate your recovery than amidst the frenzied excitement of the casino floor."
- Homer
Hbaka gets credit on this one for his second point!

Quote of the Day: "Hamburgers. The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast."

I also got around to tallying up the points via a spreadsheet. So far there have been 24 chances for points with 20 points given out. Here's the rankings (maybe I'll get more ambitious and do up a table at some point but for now this will have to do:

Captain Bustin - 8 pts
Science Officer Yume Ryuu - 7 pts
Lieutenants Hbaka and Peasel - 2 pts a piece
Ensign Yume's friend Erin - 1 pt
Redshirts - 0 pts

I've got some other cool facts from the spreadsheet too (like how many quotes from what show were guessed by which person). Maybe I'll post those another time.

Remeber, only two days left to enter to win the Superfriends DVD!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

A surprisingly low energy day today. I often take it easy on my days off but I was almost in a zombie like state most of the day. Many of the tasks I had planned on doing (everything from getting a haircut to cooking non-microwaved meals) got pushed on to the Thursday schedule. About the only productive thing I managed to do was the laundry. Hopefully I'll have a little more zing tomorrow as there are all kinds of things I want to get done.

I had another fucked up dream last night. This one seemed more like the plot of a B movie though as it took place in some bizarre future where groups of teens battled in gladitorial style contests. I saw things from the point of view of a group of misfits who were the loveable and pathetic underdogs. Sadly I woke up before it got to the part where they make their startling comeback.

Oh and the Superfriends contest deadline draws near. Just because I'm being really lazy doesn't mean you people have to be. :P

Quote of the YesterDay: "I love the power glove, it's so bad."
- Lucas

Peasel was the first to identify this quote from The Wizard. Ahhhh, cheesy movies, how I love them.

Quote of the Day: "Well, what better place to celebrate your recovery than amidst the frenzied excitement of the casino floor."
- ?

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Well, the transition to the new shift was a bit rough with the short time between Sunday/Monday shifts and longer shift time but it has been made. And now I get to benefit from it with a Wednesday/Thursday weekend. It feels pretty good right now though may tune may change during the Fri-Sun 11 hour shifts. :P Getting a long weekend every other weekend will be nice though regardless of how much it make suck on the not long weekend weekends.

I had some really messed up dreams last night. The kind of dream where you dream that you wake up in the middle of the night and the only way you know later on that you didn't really wake up is that something in reality contradicts something you thought happened in the dream. And then I even had a dream about the dream that I woke up so it was nested to the extreme. Gotta love the bizarrity of dreaming.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Beats the heck out of some quack charging me through the bill, just to grope a bunch of places I don't even touch... Hardly ever."
- Duckman

Hbaka didn't sound too sure of himself but he gets credit for the correct guess. I'm guessing the 'bill' part of the quote made things a bit easier for everyone.

Quote of the Day: "I love the power glove, it's so bad."

I imagine most of you will know the source, but remember I need the character name too. (though if you're the first to name the source and nobody gets the character you might get the point)

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

It was kind of amusing to experience my own reaction to getting up at 11:30 AM today. You know how you feel if you have to get up at 5 AM for some reason? Tiredness is usually there as well but the over-riding sense is that it's just wrong to be getting up that early? That's the feeling I had when I got up at 11:30 AM today. I had to laugh (well, once I was able to think clearly enough to laugh).

My shift is a long one anyway but it seemed even longer due to the short time between shifts. Fortunately I don't have to be in to work till 1:15 PM tomorrow so I'll probably get to A) have a good night's sleep and B) have a good amount of leisure time which I missed out on yesterday.

Quote of the YesterDay: "The profession of journalism has about as much integrity as the world's oldest profession; maybe less. At least whores don't kid themselves about their motives."
- Sheriff Lucas Buck

Yume's friend Erin gets the point on this one. American Gothic is an excellent show and I'm happy someone out there knows it well enough to recognize a quote.

Quote of the Day: "Beats the heck out of some quack charging me through the bill, just to grope a bunch of places I don't even touch... Hardly ever."

Monday, August 02, 2004

Thanks to the fun of transitional work period, I finished my shift tonight at 3 AM and I get to go back in to work at 12:45 PM for a 11.25 hour shift (well, 10.75 hours of paid plus a 30 min unpaid lunch). It's going to be a long day. But then it's only one more day till I get a couple days off so it's not all bad.

As a result of my extremely limited free time at the moment I shall have to make this a quick post.

A reminder to everyone out there that the Superfriends DVD contest deadline is Saturday at 11:59 PM. You can just post your entry on to your own site (if you have one) or you can e-mail it to Even if you aren't all that creative you should slap together something. It's Superfriends, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to come up with a script. :P

Quote of the YesterDay: "M-O-O-N. That spells moon."
- Tom Cullen
M-O-O-N. That spells Yume knowing enough about The Stand to not only get the quote, but to use a quote in her answer.

Quote of the Day: "The profession of journalism has about as much integrity as the world's oldest profession; maybe less. At least whores don't kid themselves about their motives."
- ?

I'll be extremely impressed if someone gets this one.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

I beat Skies of Arcadia Legends today. I've still got some bonus stuff I'll probably go back and do but the main part of the game is quite beaten. If you've got a cube and are looking for an RPG to play, I highly recommend it. Definitely one of the most enjoyable RPGs I've played in a long time.

Quote of the YesterDay: "All I know is that any marriage where the female is allowed to speak and wear clothing is doomed to failure."
- Quark

Peasel picked up on this one first but lots of people seemed to know it was DS9. Good for you. (Oh and putting together a scoreboard is high on my to-do list so look for that to FINALLY show up soon (all the points from the time I first said I'd be tracking the points will be on there))

Quote of the Day: "M-O-O-N. That spells moon."