The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

I dream about a lot of weird stuff. Sometimes things from my waking life included my dreams but the vast majority of the time it's mostly original material. When I do include something from my life it's usually people and or places.

I very rarely incorporate TV shows into my dreams despite the fact I watch a hell of a lot of TV. When they do show up sometimes I'm in them (usually as a character from the show), other times I'm watching the show and sometimes it'll switch between the two without any notice on my part.

Twice in the last week I've had dreams which placed me in the world of The Adventures of Brisco County Junior. As is usual with my dreams these were new 'episodes' that don't exist in the real world. Things were highly suspenseful both times around (which is kind of odd as the show is fairly light 90% of the time). It was still cool to have dreams about it though.

As far as I can recall I've only dreamed about a handful of shows (Raw, Simpsons, Batman, Buffy and now Brisco). The list is a bit odd. They're all shows I like but there are many other shows I like and watch a LOT of (like Futurama) that have never shown up in dream form.

Quote of the YesterDay: "They kill for one reason: they kill for food. They eat their victims, you understand that Mr. Berman? That's what keeps them going."
- Dr. Foster

No this wasn't something Braga said. It's from the original Dawn of the Dead. A quality zombie film that shows the fun that can be had in an abandoned mall.

Quote of the Day: "I could fit if I didn't have these damned arms!"
- ?

Friday, September 10, 2004

Been playing quite a bit of Pikmin 2 lately. It's quite the fun and addictive little game. They basically took everything from the first Pikmin game and then expanded it. There are now more types of Pikmin and there are also the option to do 2 player either versus or challenge-wise. The gameplay is further snazzied up with the option of splitting your pikmin into 2 different groups (as there are now two people on the planet).

The only thing people really didn't like about the first game was the 30 day time limit and now it is out of there. Highly recommended if you have a cube and even kinda liked the first one.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Nobody gets 20% of my apples unless I'm getting some sort of kickback."
- Duckman

This one is from the ep of Duckman where Duckman is a substitute teacher. It's one of the lessons he teaches to the kids.

Quote of the Day: "They kill for one reason: they kill for food. They eat their victims, you understand that Mr. Berman? That's what keeps them going."
- ?

Thursday, September 09, 2004

I actually did up a blog post last night but it was lost due to the wonders of technical difficulties. So you can all just pretend you read something really deep and insightful that made you decide to send me money. Or something.

The long shifts at work are starting to get to me. I think I'd probably be a lot happier with my job if I was on the more days but shorter shifts rotation. There always seemed to be lots of free time, even when you had to work. Now sometimes have tons of free time but then other days have very little. It's nice on the days off but when you're working 3 days in a row with less than 12 hours between shifts it really burns you out.

I'm definitely going to have to pick up the job hunt mode as I'm pretty much stuck with this job until I can find another. And unless it happens to be a job in PC, it's going to have to pay at least around what this one pays as living costs, bills and loans are a bit hard on the old fundage.

Anyone know of a cool job? Preferably one related to my English major in some way and requiring little to no experience.

Quote of the YesterDay: "I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman."
- Homer

I thought this quote might have been too easy but even with the extra day nobody guessed it. So either it was harder than I thought or everyone's dumber than I thought. :P

Quote of the Day: "Nobody gets 20% of my apples unless I'm getting some sort of kickback."

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Turns out I was in fact able to capitalize on my ambition last night as I got a good chunk of story done. I didn't do a whole lot, probably only a page or so, but I was fairly happy with what I'd written so it was still all good.

I actually have ambition to write once more tonight and I've got limited time to do so thanks to A) needing to sleep and B) wanting to watch an ep or two of Futurama before bedtime so this will be another short post.

Quote of the YesterDay: "I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman."
- Homer

I almost didn't use this quote as I thought it was too easy but nobody got it so I guess it was harder than I thought. Or else everyone's dumber than I thought. :P

Quote of the Day: "Nobody gets 20% of my apples unless I'm getting some sort of kickback."

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

My ambition level has really been flucuating wildly as of late. I'll have an ambition to do something (be it writing on an issue, cooking something or even just watching an episode of a show) and if I don't act on it immediately it seems like it just doesn't get acted on. It's not that have I no ambition as I feel the need and/or desire to do these things it's just that it passes unless acted upon immediately.

I am feeling a bit ambitious in the writing department now so I'm going to end this before the ambition disappears again.

Quote of the YesterDay: "And once I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat, and go into people's houses and wreck up the place!"
- Head of Richard Nixon

This one is a fairly obvious Futurama quote. I'm kinda surprised nobody got it.

Quote of the Day: "I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman."
- ?

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Man people suck. I always kind of assumed that even though the polls have been close that common sense would prevail and Kerry would win the election in November. I'm nowhere near as confident with the latest, post-republican convention polls showing Bush leading Kerry by a sizeable margin. Sure candidates almost always get a boost after their party's convention but it still worries me.

It's times like this I wish I lived in the US so I could have some sort of direct effect (small as it would be) on what happens in November.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Mr. Duckman, if the body is a temple, then you've committed countless acts of desecration. "
- Dr. Ben Stein

This quote came from Duckman (obviously). Ben Stein does the voice for Dr. Stein ('shockingly' enough)

Quote of the Day: "And once I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat, and go into people's houses and wreck up the place!"
- ?

Ugh, Trevor not feel so well. I also feel like I've got a sunburn on the back of my neck for some reason. That's particularly odd since it's only felt that way in the last couple hours and I haven't had any significant sun exposure. Maybe I'm having an alergic reaction to oxygen. That's the ticket.

Ah well at least I can have a 90 minute dose of Superfriends at 4. That's always good for what ails ya.

Quote of the YesterDay: "My name is Gato,I have metal joints. Beat me up and earn 15 Silver points!"
- Gato

Hbaka knows where to go for his silver points.

Quote of the Day: "Mr. Duckman, if the body is a temple, then you've committed countless acts of desecration. "
- ?

Everyone should at least have an idea of the show on this one even if they don't know the character. :P