The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, April 12, 2003


My last entry seems to have mysteriously disappeared (or else it was never posted in the first place and I failed to notice).

Let's see if I can sum it up in one sentence:

Really bored tonight due to the fact everyone is only playing video games but Iooking forward to subway run tonight to liven things up.

Dang. Couldn't quite fit it all in there. I also added the ability to add comments to my blog in response to a request made by Joe about 2 weeks ago.

The original, of course, was longer and possibly humorous in some way but it appears to be lost to the annals of the internet. I'm too tired to write it all over again though so you'll have to get by with this shortened version.

Quilted Porcupine, away!

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Whew, it's been a busy few days.

Between essays, group awards and scrap-book assisting I've been on the go non-stop.

Let's see what's happened since my last update...

Finished my last essay of the term (a couple hours after the midnight deadline but who's counting :P)
Finished classes for the term
Found out why I'm belching all the time
Compiled, laid out and printed the group awards
Spent a bunch of time working on the Murray/Nathan scrapbooks (but not nearly as much time as Granger, she's a scrap-booking machine :P)
Had our group supper where the awards/books were presented and the meatless challenge officially came to a close

It's been a hectic few days, that's for sure. It was worth all the effort in the end though to see everyone laughing at their awards and to see how much Murray/Nathan appreciated the books. (on an added note, I had to stop in the middle of this entry to see Murray's reaction to his CD. T'was priceless :-) )

Also good to know that the belching thing is probably minor and that it should be gone in a couple weeks thanks to my handy-dandy notebook! Err... I mean, Zantac prescription.

I'm really worn out after all the work but it's a good kind of worn out. And soon I'll get to do some super relaxing via a party at Granger's followed by possible Axeage followed by much sleeping! :-)

I may write some more before bed, it'll depend on how awake/sober I am.

Quilted Porcupine, away!

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Ah, the sick days.

Spent about half of today either in bed, or sitting in my chair with a blanket wrapped around me.

Wasn't very conductive to the whole 'working' thing so my essay didn't really progress. Fortunately, it's not due until Wednesday at midnight so there's no rush.

I did manage to spend much of the day doing less productive things though. Played some Chrono Trigger and some Warcraft 3, hung out in the lounge watching TV, that sort of thing.

Hopefully tomorrow will see my feeling much less sickly.

Wow, this entry is really short. Ah well, blame it on the fever, I guess.

To bed!