The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

In a shocking development, I'm actually going to bed early tonight.  Of course early is '2:30 AM' but the last couple nights have been in the 6 AM - 7 AM range so it's pretty early when looked at relatively.

I wasn't planning to go to bed early or anything but about 10 minutes ago I suddenly got very, very tired so I figured that I may as well do the sleep thing and maybe get 8 hours (or more!) of sleep instead of the 5-7 hour amounts I've been getting most of the time. 

As result of the previously mentioned sudden blast of tiredness, a short post tonight.

Quote of the YesterDay: "I feel like I'm Han Solo, and you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi, and we're in that fucked-up bar. "
- Jay
Bustin got credit on this one, much to the shame of hbaka.  Shame!!!!

Quote of the Day: "This job would be great if it wasn't for the fucking customers."

Friday, July 23, 2004

As you may have guessed by my lack of postage the last couple nights, Tuesday did not bring about a resolution to my high-speed woes.  That day a senior tech called me and went through a couple hours of troubleshooting related stuff with me before concluding that it was probably a software related probelm.  So on Tuesday night I got a copy of XP from a guy at work and upgraded 2000 to XP.  Problem still existed so then I reformatted and put XP on again. 

Problem still existed so I called Aliant back the next day and they, after going through some more troubleshooting stuff told me it was likely a network card related issue.  They suggested trying to update the driver and if that didn't work I was pretty much going to have to see a tech.  Downloading a 3 meg driver proved exceedingly difficult as the drivers XP installed for the US Robotics 56k modem did not work very well.  My download would stutter along and usually stop completely sometime before the end, forcing me to restart the download repeatedly.  Eventually I got frusturated at getting really close (once as high as 97%) so I went and found a new modem driver first (it was only a few k so much easier to download).  I wasn't really all that optimistic about the new driver working as it seemed to be acting pretty much the same as it had when I had 2000 on there (and I know my sister had a working driver for that cause she had it on the network at Dal).  I was quite pleasantly surprised to find out this afternoon that the driver did in fact solve the problem so now I'm back online.  And downloading MST3K eps to boot!

'Quote' of the YesterDays:  Character decides to try to sneak on to a restricted military site by posing as a reporter.  He does this by putting on a fake beard and a hat.  Character becomes flustered when he still can't get in and his beard falls off.  Then he gets arrested because they think he must be a spy. 
This one was taking from the classic 60s Spiderman.  The character who thought he'd have better luck getting into the military base by disguising himself as a reporter (for the Daily Bugle no less) was J. Jonah Jamieson.  Gotta love that logic.

Quote of the Day: "I feel like I'm Han Solo, and you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi, and we're in that fucked-up bar. "

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Early to bed tonight (i.e. 4:15-4:30 AM) as I get to get up at noon in hopes that the Aliant technician guy shall arrive.  He's supposed to be coming anytime between 12 and 6.  At least he was supposed to be.  I had a call from a senior tech while I was at work and they wanted me to do something on my end (though they didn't say what).  I called up when I got home but there aren't any senior techs in at this time of night (at least not during the strike related stuff) so I don't know if the plan is changed or what. 
If a tech comes and fixes my problem I'll be happy.  If a tech comes and determines that there's nothing wrong with the physical setup (meaning the problem lies somewhere in the PC, probably the OS), I'll be less happy but still happy because I'll have a problem I can solve (probably by just snagging a copy of XP and throwing it on here).  If I have to wait to find out I'll probably bitch in here tomorrow.
Quote of the YesterDay: "Then why did I have the bowl, Bart?  Why did I have the bowl?"
- Milhouse
This one was pretty obvious (well to me anyway) and Bustin got it.
Quote of the Day: Mixing things up a bit tonight as I sometimes do.  Instead of a quote I'm just going to describe a scene.  I want to know A) what show or movie it is from and B) who the character is
Character decides to try to sneak on to a restricted military site by posing as a reporter.  He does this by putting on a fake beard and a hat.  Character becomes flustered when he still can't get in and his beard falls off.  Then he gets arrested because they think he must be a spy. 

Monday, July 19, 2004

So yesterday I get my shiny new box of high-speed modemness.  I was quite happy as I was finally going to have high-speed.  As you may have guessed from my lack of post last night, things didn't go quite so well.
I had a pretty good idea of exactly what to do thanks to my job so I went through all that crap and everything was going fine.  It completed the installation about to the part where it has to reboot.  After the reboot it connected and all the lights that were doing what they were supposed to do but I couldn't connect to the DNS servers (which is part of the installation process).  So I played with it a bit but got nowhere.  I ended up calling tech support, spending about an hour and a half on the line and my problem still existed.  There's a tech coming sometime Tuesday afternoon and hopefully after that I'll be up and running.
I waited until tonight to hook the dial modem back up since I'm fairly lazy.  Hence the lack of update last night.
Quote of the YesterDay: "Of course!  An elephant always never forgets!"
- Burt Ward
Bustin gets credit on this quote from Burt Ward in Back to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam West and Burt Ward
Quote of the Day: "Then why did I have the bowl, [name omitted]?  Why did I have the bowl?"