The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, March 22, 2003

Sometimes you just gotta relax. Tonight was one of those times.

Had a night of drinking and barring with Granger and friends. It was a damned good time. I had 7+ shots before we got to the bar and I had a damned strong buzz going. I'm still actually feeling the alcohol somewhat and I haven't had a thing to drink in over 3 hours. And I wasn't even the drunkest one there. Definitely a fun night. :-)

You know, seeing as I have to be up in a little over 3 hours for ticket ordering, I should probably go to bed now. :P

Quilted Porcupine, collapse!

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Today I made some progress in getting over a bit of laziness slump I've been stuck in. I've been meaning to work on an essay for Shakespeare since Saturday but the farthest I got before today was the intro paragraph. Today I actually found some useful journals, wrote down some quotes AND wrote another 3 paragraphs. Not finished yet but definitely I lot farther along than I was on Saturday. And since it's not due until NEXT Wednesday, I can compliment myself for not being completely lazy. :P

I've also managed to make it to the gym 3 out of the last 4 days and I'm pretty happy with that. It's not all that easy to motivate myself to go to the gym here because A) nobody else will go with me and B) the gym here is pretty sucktacular (which causes A). Hopefully I'll be able to keep myself motivated until the term is over and I get back to going to the Y. It is kind of odd to go to a Christian gym but it's a nice gym and it's not like they try to preach to you there so it's all good.

And with that I'll bid you citizens good day.
Quilted Porcupine, away!

Well, I didn't make my post every day goal. I have a good excuse though. It wasn't until today that I was actually able to publish anything so that it could be viewed by anyone other than myself. Not quite sure what the error was but it was highly annoying. Hopefully now that the site is operational, I'll be able to start making my minimum of one post a day.

The big news of the day of course is these really cool water/oil mix panels I saw while watching an ep of While You Were Out... what? Oh yeah, that whole US starting a war thing. I suppose that would be the real big news. If you know me then you'll know that I am strongly opposed to the US invasion of Iraq for a wide number of reasons. I won't bore you with those reasons today but I'm sure over the course of this illegal war, at least some of them will come out here.

I've been really proud of the Canadian government over the last few days. The decision to not join the invasion was far from unexpected but still nice to hear. The follow up criticisms from Chretien and company suggesting that diplomacy was working and that US is wrong to invade may not be good for relations with the US but it certainly has made me proud to a Canadian citizen.

Speaking of the war, it's time for The Daily Show. I'm sure they'll have some scathing and humorous criticisms of Bush and his cronies.

Quilted Porcupine, away!

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Go conformity!

I'm not usually one to do something just because everyone else is doing it but blogs seem like a lot of fun... plus it's a good excuse for me to put off doing work for a little while longer. :P

As I've mentioned before to Granger, my life isn't exactly the most riveting thing to write about so it'll probably be a test of my creative abilities to keep this an entertaing and worthwhile read. That's not to say that my life is boring. I've got lots of people in my life whom mean a lot to me (and whom I assume I mean a lot to) and most of the time I'm having fun. It's just not necessarily the kind of fun that makes for an interesting story.

Will The Quilted Porcupine succeed in his goal?

Or is he just too lazy?

Tune in tomorrow.

Same Quilted Time.

Same Quilted URL.