The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Friday, March 28, 2003

Tonight's entry is kind of the reverse of last night's.

Last night as you may recall, featured me fighting to stay awake to do my laundry. Tonight I'm fighting to stay asleep.

Went to bed kind of early tonight (around 11:30ish) as I was feeling kinda sick (stomach was doing some interesting things and I think I had a bit of a fever). Woke up around 1:30 in the AM. Not quite sure what woke me but it could have been due to the noises coming from the neighbouring room (stupid paper thin walls!). No big deal though as there wasn't excessive noise so it should be a simple matter for me to get back to sleep right? (unless you aren't that swift you've probably figured out the answer to that question already)

35 minutes later and I temporarily give up and the sleep and go to play on the computer. Not a whole lot in the way of new stuff to look at online so I figure I may as well take the opportunity to write in my blog.

The good news: I don't feel AS sick as I did when I went to bed.
The bad news: I still feel somewhat sickly AND I have an 8:30 discussion group that is looking like it may not be very easy to get up for. I've also got kind of a woozy/light-headed thing going on so if there are any glaring errors in this post, that's probably why.

Well, it seems to be 2:30 AM now. Which means I'll only have another 5.5 hours to try and sleep if I get up for breakfast (which is kinda looking doubtful right now). I think I'd better try the sleep thing again.

Quilted Porcupine, asleep! (hopefully)

Thursday, March 27, 2003

[11:52 pm]
Hello and welcome to a very special blog!

Why is it special, you ask?

It's the "Trevor is really tired but has to wait up until his laundry is finished/folded" edition! And you, oh lucky reader, get to experience all the spine-tingling, heart-pounding action along with me. I'll be writing in this periodically throughout my adventure to keep you appraised of my mental state and the time. Exciting, no?

I went to a play with Granger this evening. It was quite entertaining. I haven't really had a chance to go to many plays in recent years, but I enjoy them when I do go.

And now it's time to make myself a sandwich!

[12:31 am]
Well that took longer than I expected. I made myself a yummy peanut butter sandwich (was going to make PB&J but I wasn't really in a J mood) and walked around a bit. I ended up watching the Daily Show in Runner's room so that ate up a large portion of my forced to stay awake time. And now I must go... ooh, a phone call!

[12:46 am]
Sister called. That's another 15 minutes of awakedness for our hero. :P NOW, I go get the laundry.

[12:59 am]
Whew! Laundry is finally finished. Unfortunately the dryers suck ass and not all my clothes are dry. As a result my room is decorated with an assortment of towels and jeans. Not exactly the most aethestically pleasing look but sometimes you just don't have a choice. One choice I do have though is the choice to get some sleep, which I'm doing... now!

Quilted Porcupine, to bed!

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

I finally gave blood today.

It's something I've always considered doing but I never had before today. When I was in highschool I was never old enough to donate (the last time they came to our school was at the first of my Grade 12 year, i.e. a few weeks before I was 17), and then at university I would always think about it but never got around to doing it for some reason or other. Last summer, I actually signed up to donate but I wasn't feeling well that day so I opted out. Today, I finally did it though.

I was kind of nervous but that was partially due to a preconception I had. I thought it would feel almost like you were having blood vacuumed out of you (which would be a rather creepy feeling). Of course, as any of you who have given blood know, there's no feeling associated with the process at all (well other than a needle being poked into you). I was also kind of worried that I might get woozy or even faint as I got really woozy one time when I had my blood tested (and they hardly took any blood at all for that). Fortunately Granger, who is a seasoned pro when it comes to blood-letting, was with me so that helped keep me brave enough to not wuss out.

The whole process was rather painless and definitely something I'm planning on doing again. I mean, hey, if I can help save a life by having something jammed in my arm for a few minutes, then I'm definitely willing to do so. Plus I got a keen sticker!!! :P

In other news, I finally got my Shakespeare essay finished 8 days after my original planned completion date but still 1 day before the due date so it's all good. I wrote on Hamlet and how the tragedy of the play could have been averted if not for the limits and restrictions that those in the noble class have placed on them. I'm pretty happy with it (and hopefully it'll net me a good mark).

Quilted Porcupine, away!

The other day I was having a conversation with Webrunner and we were joking about the use of 'Trevor' as a verb. tThis lead to us coming up with an undefined concept of trevoring. Today, we were both walking down to the BAC and we had a follow-up conversation on the matter where we discussed broadening the uses of 'Trevor'. Here's some of what we came up with.

Trevory - The chair was very trevory.
Treviffic - Free alcohol is treviffic
Trevible - Losing my assignment was trevible.
Trevble - Here come's trevble. (My personal fave).

The best thing about the word is that it has universal applications as an adjective. Everything from good to bad, hard to soft, wet to dry, is covered by the exact same word and its varations.

So the next time you are in need of a word to describe something, use trevory. Sure nobody willl know what you're talking about but it's fun! :P

And now the Quilted Porcupine is feeling very trevory so it's time for bed.

Quitled Porcupine, away!

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Today was another example of why I'm not a big fan of planning schedules in advance.

My original plans for today (as in Saturday, I realize it's technically Sunday now) were to get up around 6:45, order tickets for the RAW show in Halifax (that were going on sale at 7), sleep till noonish and then spend the afternoon working on my Shakespeare essay. It didn't quite turn out that way.

I got up at 6:45 but I realized that Hentai Baka was still in bed so I had no way to order his tickets (he and his gf were paying on a diff card) so I decided some more sleep was needed. Got up again around 9:30 and checked to see if Baka was online and he came online just as I was checking. Then I spent 45 mins trying to order the tickets. Apparently they were going pretty fast. By the time we got through the only seats left were in the upper bowl (or higher) or behind the screen in the lower bowl. We got our tickets for Section 33 of the upper bowl and all was good.

At this point I figured I'd get some more sleep (as I'd only had about 5.5 at this point). For some reason though I simply couldn't get back to sleep so I scratched that plan and just kind of hung around till lunch.

After lunch I decided to get to work. First though I started talking to Granger (who had just gotten out of bed :P). She ended up inviting me over to watch an episode of Trading Spaces we had taped previously. I thought this sounded like a lot more fun than my essay so off I went. After all, it's only a one hour show, I'll still have lots of time to work on my essay, right? Fast forward 5 hours and we return to 4D to prepare for Fromez's birthday celebration. :P Now some people would be frustrated with themselves for having 'wasted' an afternoon like that but I'll choose an afternoon with my best friend over an afternoon of working on an essay anytime.

The birthday celebration itself was also cool. It didn't start off all that great as some people were running late but once everyone arrived things were quite fun. Fromez liked his gift (a couple of mechwarrior booster packs) and you could tell he was quite appreciative of everything. Then we settled in to watch Transformers: The Movie (which we rented for the occasion). I don't know if you've seen it or not but it's an incredibly cheesy (and hence entertaining film). It was nice to just hang out with the whole group and watch the movie. Then we had some cheesecake that Granger and I prepared earlier. Okay, well Granger prepared it, but I did help... a bit at least. :P In any case, it was damned tasty.

This was followed up by much hanging out and very little (read: none) in the way of essay work. I might be doing some right now but that lack of sleep last night has caught up to me and I'm in no shape to be working on an essay.

The moral of the story is friends are more important than academics. At the end of the day, all your work will only result in a letter. Besides, work can be done anytime, so put your friends first.

And now I enter my Quilted Cave for many, many hours of sleep.