The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go?

I was playing around with a NES emulator tonight to try to create some new backgrounds (like this one). I thought TMNT 2 might yield a good action-y background so I loaded it up. I attempted to take an action picture but the timing was such that I ended up with a entirely different type of action picture. Check it out.

I guess Raphael needed some extra money for pizza.

SuperHero Morality

If you watched the 60s Spiderman you would see a seemingly perfect super-hero. Unlike more modern day incarnations he didn't care if JJ started bitching about Spiderman; He would just make some sort of cryptic remark and wink at the camera (usually something which anyone would half a brain would be able to translate into "I am Spiderman"). And when whether he was up against random thugs or super-villians he would alwlays bring them in alive. In many ways he was a paragon of super-hero-y virtues.

Something always bugged me though and now that Rocket Robin Hood (Robin and his merry men share views similar to that of Spiderman) is back on the air I've seen that it carries over into more shows.

Neither Spiderman nor Rocket Robin Hood show any regard for the lives of sentient non-human villians. I was watching a Rocket Robin Hood clipshow yesterday and on it Robin and his men wiped out an asteroid full of the Amobea People (not before blasting many of them into oblivion first however). I've not seen enough Rocket Robin Hood to know if the situation is as bad as on Spiderman though.

Spiderman has single-handedly wiped out many civilizations. Off the top of my head I can think of the mole people and the sentient plant civilizations that were utterly destroyed by Spiderman (the leader of the mole people did want to take over the city so there's at least A LITTLE justification there but the plants existed in another time period all together). I know there are other races that Spiderman wiped out but I'm too tired to recall them.

What sort of message are we supposed to draw from this callous disregard for life? That you should treat life with dignity only when dealing with people who are the same as you are? Not exactly a great virtue to pass on to the kiddies.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

"This perputual motion machine is a joke"

I've been big into the writing the last little while. The more I write, the more I want to write. I used to always want to take a break after finishing something but now I find I'm itching to dive right back in.

I've also noticed the fact that even when I close a story to go do something else, I'll find it open again 5 minutes later as I decide to add a few more sentences (unless the something else is away from the computer of course).

More and more I'm feeling that writing is something I want to do in a somewhat professional capacity. I'm not sure if that means writing articles, writing stories, reviewing stuff or what but it's definitely something I'm increasingly interested in.

Of course, like anything it's going to take a whole hell of a lot of practice for me to reach that level of quality but I feel like it is a goal I CAN reach someday. (and as professional gamers are still few and far between it's about the only field I feel I could excel at with sufficient practice)

Even if I never do reach my goal I will continue to write as long as I've got ideas stuck in my head, demanding to get out.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Dangerous Associations

Somehow, while after working on a review of the original Batman movie for TV Incognito, I ended up thinking about Batgirl (how, I'm not sure as she doesn't not even exist in that particular Batman universe for another year and a half) . And inevitably whenever one thinks of Batgirl, her horrible theme song comes to mind. And now it's been stuck in my head for the last 45 minutes.


Monday, April 04, 2005

Public Service Announcement

To the person who found my site by searchin alta-vista for:
is Frank Gorshin the actor who played Riddler still alive

The answer to your question is yes. Frank Gorshin's still very much alive.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

The Times, They Are a Changing

Lousy clocks going ahead an hour tonight. It's all well in good when we get that extra hour in the fall but I still have to whine and complain when the clock goes ahead and I lose an hour of sleep.

I could just go to bed an hour earlier or something but sleep is the least necessary thing of my various daily activities. For instance Buffy is on in about 10 minutes and that's much more important than sleeping. I'm sure A9 would agree.

So I'll go to work tired tomorrow. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get some ER and go check out Sin City or something. From all reports it sounds like a quite excellent movie.