The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Finally found time to squeeze in some (read: quite a few hours of) Rogue Squadron III today. The difficulty curve seems to be pretty solid as things start off pretty easy and progress fairly steadily. Surprising thing of the day, I played a mission where you got to use Speeders to harpoon/tangle AT-ATs that WASN'T on Hoth! Shocking, I know!

The flight stuff in the game is solid, if a bit challenging at times. Some of the missions require you to run around on the ground shooting things (for instance, there's one where you rescue Leia (it even includes a video clip of Han running down a corridor!!!) which are only average. Still, they can make for a nice change of pace from the flying stuff.

Fergi was out tonight and we tried out the multiplayer options. Coolest option has to be the co-operative mode. Rather than just letting you play through the missions again with another player, you instead get to play through Rogue Squadron II. The difficulty seems pretty high but I think that's because you are supposed to co-ordinate quite a bit between the two players. We didn't co-ordinate too much at first and it lead to a lot of getting killed. :P

There are also some other fairly standard multiplayer options like dogfight (here's a tip, if you're going to use a tie-interceptor, make sure your opponent doesn't take a B-wing (unless you like to be at a heavy disadvantage at least)), rampage (kills as much stuff as you can in a set time), tag and defend (capture bases by destroying them (the bases have guns and stuff to defend them and once you capture a base, it rebuilds instantly except it is now yours)) and a couple races (through death star trench, speeder bike race, etc). Pretty well-rounded selection of multiplayer.

I could say a lot more about the game but I also spend four bloody hours outside raking the front lawn (and I got a sunburn on my neck! Waaa! :P) so I'm pretty tired. Hence, I shall go to sleep.

Defunct Word of the Day: *beep*

Friday, April 30, 2004

Finally got back to the writing today. I hadn't done any sense I came home. Well, I've written on here everyday but I hadn't gotten around to doing any fiction writing.

I didn't write a whole lot but it was good to get started on a new story. I'm not expecting it to be a really great story, the main goal of this story is to work on some of things I'm not so good at (for instance, blending description into a story in a non-stilted fashion. I can describe setting fairly well but I have a hard time doing it within the confines of a story).

I've got a number of things to do tomorrow but I should be able to set aside at least a little time to work some more on it.

Defunct Word of the Day: -------

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Pretty exhausted this evening.

It probably has to do with my combination of crappy sleep, dentistry (getting your mouth froze is an odd experience as I imagine most of you already know), visiting, cooking, shopping and impulse buying.

So instead of a lengthy entry I shall settle for some lying on the couch and relaxing until I decide to go to bed.

Defunct Word of the Day: Ummm... blob. (Just cause of the song from the 50's movie) (still no source for defuncts)

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Early to bed tonight because I've got to be up early tomorrow.

See on Monday I went to the dentist to get my wisdom teeth checked out. They haven't been a problem or anything but the dentist thought they might be there and was planning to check them on my next visit. My mom's insurance only covers me till August however (well, if I don't end up doing my masters) so she thought I should get them checked now.

I went in on Monday and found I do in fact have two wisdom teeth. One of them is really small and I got the impression that there wasn't really any need to bother with it. The other tooth however is sideways and will eventually start pressing against another tooth so it's gotta go (and the itty bitty one is getting taken out for kicks). While the dentist was doing the x-rays she also did one of my teeth as I had a couple of 'mini-cavities' last time that she planned to keep an eye on. They hadn't gotten any bigger (I'd gotten a bit lax with my length of teeth brushing time but I stepped it back up after I found about the mini-cavities) but she recommended I get little fillings now when my insurance will cover it instead of maybe getting bigger fillings later when it'll cost me $.

I almost said no but I figured if I did end up having to get them I'd get a lot of parental nagging later. I've always been kind of proud of the fact that I had no cavities. Thinking about it now, I'm not quite sure why I was proud. I think maybe it was something that was unusual about me that wasn't also geeky. So now I'm kind of sad about having to get a couple fillings. AND I have to get up for 10 AM!!!!!

In other news I watched the entirity of the live-action "The Tick" over the last two days. I'd seen them all before when they originally aired (except for the one that hadn't aired on TV before which I watched when I first got the DVD at Christmas). Stupid Fox cancelling it after only 8 episodes (9 made).

I remember when the show first came out I was expecting it to be really bad but thanks to some funny writing and great casting (I'm not sure if anyone other than Patrick Warburton could have done Tick right) it turned out to be a really awesome show. Watching the 9 episodes today made me realize just how good the show could have gotten had it been given the time to continue to grow.

Defunct Word of the Day: *insert error message here*

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

So some fun news for me today.

Granger returned my laptop for me (the timing of USC hours made it inconvenient to return it before I left) and apparently the modem/network ports have something wrong with them (though they both still work perfectly fine). They're attached directly to the motherboard so it has to be replaced. So I can pay the $500 to get my laptop fixed (it'd actually be more but that's the cap for damages) or I can pay $600 and get to keep my laptop.

My dad freaked out when he found out and went on a big rant about my needing to be more responsible. Of course, the damage to the laptop had nothing to do with how I took care of it (and I did take pretty good care of my laptop) but little things like facts aren't about to stop my dad when he's on one of his crazy rants. :P

I was kind of hoping to get a laptop for graduation but if I were to do so I'd want a shiny new one. That doesn't seem too likely now as even though the $500 or $600 will be coming out of my student line of credit, they pay some money on that so it'll probably negatively impact my chances of getting a cool grad gift. I wouldn't mind getting the Acadia laptop but it is getting kind of old so I'd rather a new one. Okay, enough materialistic ranting for tonight.

Defunct Word of the Day: Defunct
It's not really obscure but it doesn't get nearly enough play. And it's a fun word to say! (as you may have guessed I haven't figured out a new way to get words yet)

Monday, April 26, 2004

There would have been a post last night but I was still burning when I went to bed around 6:15 AM and IE was doing that thing were it doesn't load. I didn't want to sit around, wait for the burn to finish and then reboot as I only got slightly more than 2 hours of sleep as it was (though I did get to supplement that with an hour nap this evening).

All back home and unpacked and such now. Things are pretty dull around here as I expected. I've managed to go 9 hours os being home without being nagged so far though. I can't see it lasting beyond some time tomorrow but maybe I'll get lucky.

Well, I'm pretty tired due to the low amount of sleep so I think I'll go watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force and then call it a night.

Defunct Word of the Day: Acadia had an OED subscription thingee. I do not. I'm going to look around tomorrow to see if I can find a better source for obscure words than just So no word tonight.