The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Well, it's been a while since my last post.

I know I said I'd write about that stream of thought I had but I had a good reason for not doing so.

I was all set to write it on Thursday night when the monitor on the computer at work (which was where I was obviously) decided to stop working for good. By the time another monitor (borrowed from BC) was here, I just didn't really feel like writing about said thought. It's still an interesting thought and I'll probably write about it someday but who knows when that'll be.

A heck of a lot of stuff has happened since the last post. Just to name off a few of the bigger ones: I bought a cute little guinea pig on Tuesday (STILL haven't settled on a name though, any thoughts?), Granger came home on Thursday (yay!) and I got drunk for the first time in months last night (also yay). So it's been a pretty good/eventful week in the life of this super-hero.

I also learned an important lesson today. I went to the gym around 6:30ish today, feeling all pumped for a good workout as I had 90 mins to work with. I hadn't been to the gym in a couple days so I was going to do arms and legs as well as some cardio (usually only do either upper or lower body in a specific workout). It was also rather empty thanks to the jubilee so that was cool. I was feeling a bit spent but usually working out will rejuvanate me.

When I tried to work-out today, my body and I had a little conversation. My body was like "Okay, let's review. To start with you have a cold and a stomach problem. Yesterday you ate a greasy supper, then you got drunk (which your stomach really doesn't like). Then after getting not nearly enough sleep, you went out for pizza and then a few hours later you had another greasy meal. And now you want me to do what? Um, fuck you pal". So my planned long work-out ending up clocking in at around 20-25 minutes.

Citizens, take heed. There's a lesson to be learned from all this. If you treat your body like shit, you can't expect it to treat you very well when you need it. Seems like a pretty obvious lesson; you'd think I wouldn't have needed a demonstration. Ah well, such is life.

Quilted Porcupine, (slowly) away!