The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Right Stuff

As I was driving to New Glasgow yesterday, I heard yet another new anti-smoking ad. This one was encouraging people not to smoke in their cars. It joins the efforts by this campaign to get people not to smoke in their houses.

Over the last couple years smoking in public places has become increasingly rare/illegal in Atlantic Canada. Now that there are very few places where one can smoke in public, the ad campaigns have switched their target. Instead of trying to influence where people smoke in public, they are now trying to change the way people smoke in private.

Now, I'm not a smoker but the path of this campaign is a familar one and it made me realize something. There's a reason why people, groups, organizations are so against having something they believe in altered (for proof from the right and the left, see conservative churches stance on gay marriage or pro-abortion activists stance on attempts to criminalize certain kinds of abortion). Once an opposing group gains momentum by making one change, they tend to keep on pushing for another change and another until the law, or at least society, reflects their views.

I'm not saying it is a bad thing that the groups keep pushing, in many cases I would argue for the necessity of the continued pushing (mainly in leftist causes but that's just because of my personal philosophy). It is just that if you have a belief that you hold dear and someone else has an opposing belief, it seems that compromising is going to be bad for whichever one of you is giving up ground from a legal or societal standpoint. Something to think about.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Weak Pathetic Storm

Well turns out the storm couldn't last through to the morning. It left the roads crappy but not crappy enough to give me an excuse to stay home. Just crappy enough so I have to leave for work early due to the what's sure to be slower going. Whee!

Three Days of Weekending?

Tis quite a nasty night out tonight. My drive home from work, usually a 25 minute affair, took a good 50 minutes or so. The roads were snow-covered but not too snow-covered. The real problem was that there was extremely limited visibility; at times I could barely see the road.

If the weather persists for another 10 hours or so, I'll be getting an early start on my weekend. Oddly enough instead of thinking of how nice and lazy a 3 day weekend woul d be, my thoughts are more on how much stuff I could get done. Granted I'm not thinking of super strenous stuff, more along the lines of writing reviews for TV Incognito and working on a couple stories, but still it's odd.

There was a time (back when I was working for ClientLogic, for instance) when any chance for a day off saw me laze. I was so burnt out from my job that on my days off I didn't want to do anything remotely productive. I would actually get more stuff done during the work week when I was working 8 (or in some cases, 11) hour days than I would on the weekend.

I'm not sure if I'm just not being burned out by my XP job or if I'm actually getting less lazy.