The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Well, that was an interesting drive... from hell! MWAhAHAHAHahAHAHAHHAHA... errr.. sorry, where was I?

Spent the evening hanging out with BC and Granger. Much fun was had by all and it was definitely a nice change of pace from the nag factory that is this place most evenings.

One the way home, things got 'fun'. First, when I was about 10 minutes from my house, I saw a porcupine that someone had run over. I felt bad for the poor porcupine (not because it has anything to do with my name, I just think it's a shame anytime an animal gets run over) but I didn't really dwell on it.

A few minutes later I saw a 18-wheeler parked on the side of the road. This, in and of itself is pretty unusual but it also had its 4-way flashers on. I debated stopping to see if they needed help but then I realized A) Even though I had a cell phone, they probably did as well (and at the very least would have had a radio) and B) if they needed any sort of mechanical assistance I would be of absolutely no benefit to them as I no practically nothing about cars, let alone 18-wheelers. Seeing as I wouldn't be able to provide assistance even if they needed it (not to mention the fact it's kinda creepy to stop in the middle of nowhere and go up to a big truck with a dark interior like that), I moved on.

Then, about a minute later, I saw something on the shoulder of the road. I had about a half-second to realize that I was looking at a deer before it decided to run across the road, directly in front of me. It's a good thing I had seen it on the shoulder, as otherwise, I doubt I'd have been able to slam on the brakes quickly enough. Even though I didn't hit the deer, it certainly scared the crap outta me.

Fortunately, the rest of the trip was uneventful and I was able to arrive home without hitting anything, being abducted/probed by aliens or having anything else happen that would have topped the deer thing, excitement-wise.

Quilted Porcupnie, a-freaked out by deer!