The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Shaun of the Dead is a truly excellent movie. I went into it with pretty high expectations as it looked like it should be pretty funny. Those expecations were easily exceeded. Very funny movie that should appeal to not just zombie movie fans, but to pretty much anyone.

The inexplicable tiredness continues today. Even though I got a little over 9 hours of sleep I've still felt very tired for much of the day. It sucks because when I'm tired my ambition level is low and it prevents me from getting a lot done. Ah well.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Your use of language has altered since our arrival. It is currently laced with, shall we say, more colorful metaphors, "double dumb ass on you" and so forth"
- Spock
Hbaka picked up on this quote from Star Trek IV.

Quote of the Day: "God bless those pagans"

Friday, October 01, 2004

I can't believe how tired I am tonight. I got about 8 hours of sleep last night and it's only 4 AM but I feel exhausted. I know to some of you 'only 4 AM' might be an odd combination of wording but when you're used to going to bed no earlier than 5 AM it feels odd to be dead tired this early. Not that I'm going to go to bed yet, I just have even less energy than usual.

Quote of the YesterDay:
Homer: It's Raining Men?!
Moel: Yeah, not no more it ain't.

Peasel knew this AND she showed disdain for President Bush. Way to go!

Quote of the Day: "Your use of language has altered since our arrival. It is currently laced with, shall we say, more colorful metaphors, "double dumb ass on you" and so forth"
- ?

Thursday, September 30, 2004

The first Kerry/Bush debate takes place tomorrow. I'm hoping Kerry really clobbers Bush. Last I heard Kerry was still behind in the polls (though he is closing) so he could definitely use the momentum that destroying Bush in a debate would bring.

If Bush does win the election in November I'm fairly certain I'll lose all faith in democracy and/or humanity. Hell, even the fact that it's up in the air as to who will win tests my belief that democracy is a good way of running things, not to mention my belief that the average person isn't a fucking moron.

Those near a TV tomorrow night should really check it out. It starts at 10 PM tomorrow night (Atlantic). It'll be on about a half dozen channels so there won't be much else on anyway (well at least not much else new). I'd watch it myself but I've got to do the work thing. I'll have to settle for reading the transcript afterwards.

Quote of the YesterDay: "All right. Fine. But I can't wait to get back to Deep Space Nine and see your face when you find out that I never existed!"
- Bashir

This quote comes from "Trials and Tribble-ations", one of the many classic eps of DS9. Hbaka didn't give the episode but I'll reward his deductive prowess and give him the point anyway.

Quote of the Day:
[Person 1]: It's Raining Men?!
[Person 2]: Yeah, not no more it ain't.

Today's quote doubles as a kind of morbid tribute thing.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

My new USB mouse arrived in the mail today. I finally called in last week and told them of the problems I was having with mine so they sent me a new one. I've only had it plugged in for a few minutes so far but I've yet to have any random jumps. Which means I'll be able to play Battlefield: Vietnam without my character suddenly paying a lot of attention to the sky instead of the enemy he's supposed to be shooting.

Yay for working mouseness!

Quote of the YesterDay: "Hey, let's all go swimming in my pooool, and by pool I mean bathtub, and by swimming, I mean SEX."
- JFK (from Clone High)

Pretty much anything JFK says is quoteable. Hbaka knew this one and earns himself an invisible party platter.

Quote of the Day: "All right. Fine. But I can't wait to get back to Deep Space Nine and see your face when you find out that I never existed!"

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I finished watching The Adventures of Brisco County Junior today. Thanks to my policy of limiting myself to an episode a week I actually managed to stretch the 27 ep series out from late March until today. I very easily could have watched it in a few weeks but in the long run I'm glad I watched at a much more leisurely pace as it helped make the series more memorable.

The show actually did a surprisingly good job of building a universe in just one season. They not only managed to create a great dynamic with the 3 main cast members (esp Brisco and Bowler) but they also worked in quite a few memorable recurring characters (villanous and otherwise). With the format of the show it could have been easy to have very few recurring characters, esp in a season but they added a lot to the series (i.e. they weren't just reusing villians because they had no new ideas).

They actually changed gears about with the show near the end of the season. Around episode 20 they wrapped up what looked like it was going to be a series long storyline. That meant the end of the main villian (who had killed Brisco's dad) as well as most of the sci-fi elements that were a part of the show. They kinda mapped out a new general direction in the last half-dozen episodes but they didn't have time to introduce a more specific direction.

The last episode (well two as it was a two parter) proved to be a pretty good cap on the show. I don't think they knew they were going to be cancelled or else they probably would have tied up some more stuff (particularly with Dixe (Brisco's chief love interest who doesn't appear in the last few eps). They included a good number of the supporting characters and the stakes were quite a bit higher than they usually are. The end with Brisco and Bowler riding off was quite good at capturing the spirit of the show.

I don't know any details about why they cancelled the show or anything like that but I suspect it was the usual low ratings. I also suspect that this was one of the few times where a show got cancelled because of the main character's name. I remember hearing about the show when it was actually on but because the name brought up images of shows like Dr. Quinn so I never watched it. I'm willing to bet that I'm that if Brisco County had been named differently the show would have gotten at least a second season. Once you watch the show the name is fine (in fact I'd probably find it weird now if his name were changed) but until you see the show it just doesn't have the kind of mental association they would have wanted.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Okay, little fella, how about some hot chocolate, huh?"
- Ash

I was pretty surprised when nobody got this rather easy quote from AoD.

Quote of the Day: "Hey, let's all go swimming in my pooool, and by pool I mean bathtub, and by swimming, I mean SEX."
- ?

Monday, September 27, 2004

Today's been a rather tiring day. Not only did I fail to go to sleep when I wanted to last night (meaning that when I got up at 10 I had much, much less than 8 hours of sleep) but then I got to drive to Moncton and then work a 10.75 hour shift of work. Suffice it to say my energy level is less than I'd like.

On a side note despite not getting much sleep last night (and feeling kinda feverish), I managed to have all sorts of cool and very bizarre dreams (the feverishness might have helped out there). Despite being able to remember they were really neat dreams I'm unable to recall any specifics though.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Sciatica! Sciatica! Sciatica!"
- Prisoners rioting on Duckman

This is from the episode where Duckman is accidentally put in an all women prison (where he ends up willing becoming the star diva in the warden's racket. Good times)

Quote of the Day: "Okay, little fella, how about some hot chocolate, huh?"
- ?

Sunday, September 26, 2004

It's weird to go back to using this computer. I'm used to not only having a high speed connection but to using a computer that is quite speedy. To use a Pentium 200 MMX on dial-up is quite a shock to the system.

Quote of the YesterDay: "That's it? I mean, we're investigating a scuttling in the hall, trying to figure out who attacked you last night, and you bring me here to look at stick pictures on the shit house wall, man?"
- Elvis

Hbaka scores again!

Quote of the Day: "Sciatica! Sciatica! Sciatica!"