The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

In the interest of finding some sort of ambition in my life (without needing a stabbing from a friendly nausican), I've started on a new and highly ambitious new story. If things pan out this will be a novel length undertaking.

I've yet to actually start the story, so far I've completed a list of characters (including some info on each one) and gotten part of the way through the plot plotting. I'm sure I'll probably end up deviating at least somewhat from the original info I come up with but I want to have a fairly clear direction so the story doesn't end up getting hopelessly muddled and off-track.

I'm not going to say much about the story itself other than that it's in the fantasy genre and uses an idea I've had kicking around for a while now (I actually mentioned having the idea (without giving specifics) on this very blog when I first had it).

I don't plan on letting anyone know any specifics until the project is well. It's such a large and ambitious project that if I even suspect someone thinks it's a crappy idea I could lose my drive and the story will die before it gets a chance to really begin. I've written lots of short stories but the vast majority have been 10 pages or less (I'd guess most are under 5) so to attempt a novel is an extremely daunting task. It's something I feel I need to do though cause I know I certainly don't want to spend the rest of my life as a phone jockey.

Quote of the YesterDay: "That's the saltiest thing I ever tasted, and I once ate a big heaping bowl of salt."
- Fry

Bustin got this one. I'm surprised it was left up for grabs as long as it was.

Quote of the Day: "Snakes. Nature's quitters"

Friday, August 20, 2004

I was feeling rather tired around 1:30 AM this morning (Lengthy digression: I'm not sure why I was tired as I'd had a good night's sleep and only gotten up about 12 hours previous to that. I know I've got to be up until AT LEAST 4:30 AM tomorrow so I figured there was no way I was going to go to sleep at 1:30 AM and get up at like 9:30 in the morning). In order to wake myself I decided a trip to Subway was in order (as much for the fresh air as for the hunger soothing aspect).

On my way to Subway I was surprised and troubled to notice that the car's lights (internal and external) seemed awfully dim. Seeing as I just purchased a computer, I really don't need the added cost of car repairs right now so I was rather worried about this. At least I was worried until I realized that for some bizarre reason, on my way out the door at 1:30 in the morning I had grabbed and put on my sunglasses. The lesson of the day: Despite what any song may tell you, sunglasses at night is not such a good idea.

Quote of the YesterDays: "When you've just emptied two barrels of a shotgun into the head of your favorite bartender it's a pretty good bet that happy hour's over."

"There I was. Face-to-face with the mother of all ugly. So I say "Come get some", and BLAM, no more Mr. Nasty Face."

Both of these come from Ash in Fistfull of Boomsticks (which is an incredibly enjoyable (and cheap) little game that I'd snatch up in a second if it was available for a system I own). Today was going to be my last, favorite and most obvious quote from the game. For those wondering, here's said quote: "I've secretly replaced this deadite's brain with a chainsaw blade! Shh! See if he notices."

Oh, and Hbaka gets the credit and the two points for those.

Quote of the Day: "That's the saltiest thing I ever tasted, and I once ate a big heaping bowl of salt."

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I played around with things so now people can once again post. I'm not overly happy with the template I've got right now but after playing around with a number of them I've decided I'm not really happy with any of them and that I should really but some effort into things and come up with my own (or at least mod one of the available templates). I'm pretty lazy and/or busy with other things though so I wouldn't be expecting that to happen too soonly.

I downloaded and watched the MST 3K episode Zombie Nightmare today. I was pretty excited going into the thing as I've never seen a zombie movie I didn't enjoy (that's not to say they were all good by any means but all zombie movies I've seen have been enjoyable on one level or another).

When I went into the directory the movie was in I noticed there were also 4 bumpers for the movie. That seemed very strange to me. 95% of the time when people encoded eps they leave the bumpers in and it seemed really odd for anyone to cut them out only to include them seperately.

Curious, I loaded the first one up and quickly realized these were not the ordinary bumpers. It seems that the episode first premiered at the end of a Turkey Day marathon on Comedy Central (presumably on Thanksgiving) and they had a host introducing the upcoming film. That host was none other than ADAM WEST!!!! And I'm guessing the reason they included the bumpers is because Adam West was in Zombie Nightmare. You know you're a geek when you get excited about Adam West being in a movie but I was quite excited.

In the movie Adam West played the cynical police captain guy. He had a mustache and in most of his scenes he was smoking a cigar and/or drinking. Sadly he never ran into Cheif O'Hara or Commissioner Gordon.

The movie (filmed in the 80s somewhere in Canada) had a couple of other notable appearances. The opening song was performed by Motorhead (probably best known for doing HHH's theme) and one of the young teens enduring the zombie nightmare was a 19 year-old Tia Carrere. Sadly she never really got a chance to show off her relic hunting skills.

On top of all that the gang included a good number of Batman references and one of the scenes even had Servo and Mike dressed as the Dynamic Duo. The whole thing was definitely a good way to spend 95 minutes. :)

Quote of the YesterDay: "When you've just emptied two barrels of a shotgun into the head of your favorite bartender it's a pretty good bet that happy hour's over."

I've decided to keep quoting from this character until someone puts together the character/source combination (or I get tired of waiting). That means that you can pick up 2 points if you get it now. (You'd think you'd pick up less points when needing more hints but whatever)
Quote of the Day: "There I was. Face-to-face with the mother of all ugly. So I say "Come get some", and BLAM, no more Mr. Nasty Face."

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Well, I've added the links back. I also decided I'd go with the in blogger comments as they seem better than the comment this thing I had been using. Unfortunatlely the comments don't seem to be showing up despite the fact that my (admittedly somewhat sleepy and overworked) brain is telling me that they should be working with the code being displayed for the current template. Because of this I've decided to leave yesterday's quote in place to see if it clicks for anyone.

Look for the comments to return sometime tomorrow when I get less sleepy and more ambitious.

For now it's more lounging and computer watching things on and then some sleepage.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

When blogger changed their default template mine somehow exploded and spewed chunks of html all over the top of the page. So I changed the template.

I haven't decided for sure if I'm keeping this one and I have to leave for work in a couple minutes so the links and comments shall return later. If you know today's quote just MSN or ICQ the answer to me and I'll make sure you get credit for answering first.

The computer I have at my place right now is my sister's. She needs it back when she goes back to university in September. From the looks of my schedule, that means I've got a little over 2 weeks until I am computerless. Hence I figured tonight would be a good time to finally take a look at some computers.

I went on the dell site and played around with some of their specials (adding stuff, taking out the pointless stuff, etc) and I came up with some viable (and not so viable) options. The price range runs from $1600-$3100. Even though I'm going to be paying for the computer myself (unless the parents have a big surprise up their sleeves), I know that if I actually went all out and got the $3100 machine I'd have endless nagging from my parents about how I was wasting my money and blah blah blah. So in reality I'll probably end up with something in the $1600-$2000 price range.

Whatever I end up getting I definitely need to do the ordering stuff tonight as I don't like the idea of having an extended period of computerlessness.

Quote of the YesterDay: "We can't bury Cheryl. She's our friend."
- Ash

Yume gets another point with the ED quote guessage.

Quote of the Day: "When you've just emptied two barrels of a shotgun into the head of your favorite bartender it's a pretty good bet that happy hour's over."
- ?

Monday, August 16, 2004

The weekend was much fun. It was great to be able to see some of my friends and to just hang out, play games and watch stupid things (ala Python and Superfriends). It also made me realize how much I missed being able to do that.

Anyhoo, I've gotten less than 6 hours of sleep (in some cases quite a bit less) every night since Wednesday night and it seems like that has finally caught up with me as my tiredness level's been increasing sharply for the last 30 mins or so. My original post idea would have expanded on the initial paragraph but too tired for anything but a little anime watching and bed now.

Quote of the YesterDays: "Let's just say he's the king of all faries and leave it at that."
- Puck

This quote comes from the Mid-Summer Night's Dream inspired episode of Lexx. Nobody guessed this one.

Quote of the Day: "We can't bury Cheryl. She's our friend."