The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

I was at Walmart today and I saw the Star Wars Trilogy DVD for $54. I had never really heard anything about the price but I had kinda assumed it would be fairly high (which put it on my 'kinda pricey but I'd like to get it' list). When I saw it was $54 it immediately got bumped into my 'impulse item I must buy right now' list.

I'm half tempted to pull an all nighter and just watch the movies but since I want to do stuff during the day tomorrow (and with people around it's not nearly as easy to sleep whenever I want), it's probably best that I go to bed by 4 or 5. Hence the Star Wars watching will have to wait for another time. It's still pretty sweet to own though.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Walloping websnappers"
- Spiderman
Hbaka got this oh so challenging quote.

Quote of the Day: "That's it? I mean, we're investigating a scuttling in the hall, trying to figure out who attacked you last night, and you bring me here to look at stick pictures on the shit house wall, man?"

Friday, September 24, 2004

Some 'interesting' stuff went down at work today. I could bitch about it but I'd rather just doing some gaming.

Quote of the YesterDay: "I didn't know you, Jay Leno and a monkey were bathing a clown!"
- Homer

Hbaka gets all the credit on this one.

Quote of the Day: "Walloping websnappers"
- ?

I don't think I could really pick an easier quote.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Hey, my age matches the day of the month I was born. How special in a minor coincidence that was bound to happen at some point sort of way.

Quote of the YesterDay: "We tried to get him to the infirmary, he's just... heavy"

I actually would have been surprised if anyone got this Firefly quote correct.

Quote of the Day: "I didn't know you, Jay Leno and a monkey were bathing a clown!"
- ?

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I got even more progress on the story today. It's still not a huge amount or anything but the first chapter is mostly complete (well, the first draft of it anyway. I'm sure it'll undergo extensive change if I actually finish this one). I'm trying to limit myself in how much I write. I know I could easily have written more than I did today but I want to avoid burning myself out on this one.

It's always neat to see a story evolve over time. I've seen it happen with quite a few of my short stories and I'm already seeing some signs of it in the first chapter of this one. As it's a fantasy novel I've also put in a bit of effort into fleshing out the world (I'm having to fight the temptation to put more but seeing as this is the start of a story I don't want it to get too bogged down in history and exposition). I really like what little I have created of the world so far. If I still like the world when I'm done I could very easily revisit it, exploring some of the stuff I've touched on in chapter one. I might jot down the base idea but I don't want to get to far into planning a second novel this early into the first one. :P

Quote of the YesterDay: "Boy that was really exciting. I bet you're a big Lee Marvin fan aren't ya. Yeah me too. I love that guy. My heart's beatin' so fast I'm about to have a heart attack."
- Mr. Blonde

This quote comes from the Mr. Blonde in Res Dogs. I suspect the Mr. Blonde in Perfect Dark might have something quoteable as well.

Quote of the Day: "We tried to get him to the infirmary, he's just... heavy"

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Ah, the days off in Moncton. I generally don't do a whole lot on my days off. I might make a run to the grocery store or go somewhere for a bit but for the most part I just lounge around, play on the computer, play games and watch stuff. For some reason the not really having a whole lot to do makes the days off seem to last a long time (not in a 'oh my god, will this day ever end?' sort of way but more in a 'wow, it seems like quite a while since I had to work' way). It's quite nice really.

Still on the quasi job search but no real prospects as of yet. I'm not even sure what I want to do (at least that I'd be qualified to do) so I just try to keep an eye out on job listings from time to time in hopes that something promising will come up.

Quote of the YesterDay:
Homer: This is the best part of the week.
Lisa: It's the longest possible time before more church!

I was pretty surprised nobody got this. Really I'm surprised anytime a Simpsons quote goes unguessed.

Quote of the Day: "Boy that was really exciting. I bet you're a big Lee Marvin fan aren't ya. Yeah me too. I love that guy. My heart's beatin' so fast I'm about to have a heart attack."

Monday, September 20, 2004

Character 1: This is the best part of the week.
Character 2: It's the longest possible time before more church!

Those are my feelings right about now. Of course, you have to put a 2 in front of 'week' and an 's' after it and you have to replace 'church' with 'another 3 days work weekend'. The longest possible time for me before there's more church is quite a bit longer.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Hmmm... who's that goat-legged fellow, I like the cut of his jib."
- Burns

Hbaka displays his satanic knowledge once more.

Quote of the Day is actually up at the top as you may have guessed by the 'Character 1' and 'Character 2' bit.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Lousy YTV and their having to double air their Saturday night movies. Whenever they choose to air a longer movie (like they're doing tonight), it cuts into the number of SF eps that are aired. I only get one dose this week. Though I suppose it will be closer to the old shows started at 1 AM format from last term (where we'd watch JL, SF and TT). JLU is on Friday's now but I will be seeing the SF and TT portion of things.

Quote of the YesterDay: Robot Devil "Y'know I only put my name on there as a show of good faith for the other robots."
Fry: "
Stop being such a baby and chop my hands off."
Hbaka gets this one and I ponder constructing my own Robot Devil. So many uses.

Quote of the Day: "
Hmm...who's that goat-legged fellow? I like the cut of his jib."