The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

The last couple days have been weird. I'm not sure why but my apathy level seems much higher than usual.

I suspect it may be the upcoming end of my undergrad career weighing on me in a subconscious way. I know the thought has come up a fair bit in my conscious thought. It's hard to fathom leaving this place and this life behind but that's the reality that is mere days away. Even if I get into Acadia for my master's, next year will be a very different one.

I guess all I can do is hope that, like when I graduated from high school and moved on to university, this graduation will lead to more good/happy times. Time will tell I suppose.

Defunct Word of the Day: lin
A verb meaning "to cease, to leave off"

Friday, April 16, 2004

The pre-exam time continues. Today was spent doing a combination of computering, TVing and (shockingly enough) some studying. I wanted to do some writing today as I've had some story ideas kicking around in my head for a while now. Unfortunately, my idea to word converting ability seems to be a bit off today. Maybe tomorrow (when I have an even more equally empty schedule) I'll get some done.

Defunct Word of the Day: Tankodrome
It's the "area where military tanks are kept". Sounds like a really lame B-movie term but it's a real (obscure) word.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

It's interesting how when I say I'm going to go to bed early, that translates into my going to bed around 2:45. And, yes, I am still going to bed early. Ah, late-nightness.

Defunct Word of the Day: comfortize
It's a verb meaning "to comfort"

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

"Another day, another box of stolen pens."

Be the first to give me the show, episode, and scene that is taken from and you might just win some sort of prize!

Defunct Word of the Day: earwiggy
Pick from "infested with earwigs" and "Resembling an earwig" (second one can also be 'earwigginess')

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

So I finished off my last es... paper today. I wrote on the Golden Compass and its political ramifications. Kinda slapped together but I think it turned out pretty well. It's also one of the few times I went a fair bit over the min length. Go me!

So now I've got a week to just do whatever. My first exam is on the 19th and then I write one a day that week up to and including Thursday. None of them are going to require too much study on my part though so for the most part, this shall be a week of relaxation. Yay! :)

Defunct Word of the Day: freeless

Monday, April 12, 2004

Apparently nothing chases chips like a Pepsi.

Hmmm... I'm really hungry. Maybe if I were to accquire some Pepsi, I could have it chase down some chips for me. Then I won't be hungry. Well, assuming the Pepsi doesn't kill the chips after chasing them down.

Defunct Word of the Day: jokesmith
"A manufacturer of jokes"

Oh, and tonight's episode of Spiderman was the one where JJ (the owner of the Daily Bugle) decides to disguise himself as a reporter from the Daily Bugle by wearing a press hat and a white beard. He then tries to get in to an army installation but when his beard falls off they assume he's a spy and throw him in jail. It's great.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

I know Blogger's been having some difficulties today so I'm not going to bother with a big post (since I have no way of knowing if it'll be able to post until I try.

Defunct Word of the Day: rial

"A royal person; a prince"