The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Thursday, November 18, 2004


I've decided to take a break from all the blog postings. My content quality has gone downhill quite a bit over the last couple months. I just don't seem to have the drive to put a whole lot out right now (well, blog things anyway). So this'll be the last real post until December 1st.

I may or may not update periodically with quotes though so check back now and then.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

It's kind of odd but ever since moving back home and starting at my new job my energy level has been way lower in the post midnight timeframe. Not that I'm tired or anything, it's just that most days, when I come home from work, I've got no ambition to do anything requiring any large expending of energy on my part. It wasn't that long ago that post midnight would be the height of my ambition either. It's odd.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Well, let me guess. You're either lost, or desperately searching for a good tailor."
- Garak

Hbaka got this DS9 quote. He also asked about my favorite DS9 character. Not any easy choice, to be sure. If I had to choose I think I'd probably go with Garak but there are many, many excellent characters on the show (just to name a few of em: Dukat, Sisko, Weyoun, most of the main cast, Damar, Sloan, etc). I can't think of a show with more well developed and interesting characters really.

Quote of the Day: "I like my plan better. Get up, get out, get drunk, repeat as needed. It's just more elegant."

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

All kinds of resignings from the Bush administration today including one from the important positions. If you didn't hear, Colin Powell announced he's resigning his post as Sec of State today. It's been long rumoured that he'd be resigning if Bush won re-election; he claims that he always intended to serve just one term but he's often not seen eye to eye with Bush and Co.

It's too bad he's leaving as he's the only member of the Bush admin I have any respect for whatsoever. Apparently Bush wants to replace him with Rice (with Ashcroft on his way out she's probably #2 in the list of cabinet members I'd like to see gone). She's a good yesman (yesperson? yeswoman? neither of those sound right) so I can understand why Bush wants her there.

Quote of the YesterDay: "The women on your planet are logical. No other planet in the galaxy can make that claim."
- Captain Kirk

This is one of those lines that shows that as much as a pioneer TOS was when it came to equality, it still had a ways to go. Hbaka took a good stab at it but no dice.

Quote of the Day: "Well, let me guess. You're either lost, or desperately searching for a good tailor."

Monday, November 15, 2004

Power outages are fun!

Last night I was sitting around waiting for 1 (so I could watch the ep of Enterprise I was taping) and about 10 minutes before 1 the power went bye-bye. I called the powerline and the recording said it'd be back up at 5 AM. I didn't really have much to do but I knew they usually overstated the time it'd take so I left my light switch on and went to bed (the idea being that the light coming on would wake me and if it wasn't too late I could watch Superfriends). That didn't work out so well though as we ended up not getting the power back until 8 or 9 PM.

During the rather boring day of sitting around the house (didn't even have any unread books lying around) we heard the press release from Nova Scotia Power. They said they expected more damage to occur up to and including overnight Sunday and that it could be the end of the week before power is restored to some areas.

We have infloor heating which means there are pipes of water under the floors. My dad got worried that it'd cause a lot of problems if the lack of heat having lead to those freezing so he went out and bought a generator (something he'd been thinking on buying for a while apparently). Then he had to wait almost an hour to get gas for it in Pictou (only one gas station was open in Pictou and apparently very few elsewhere in Pictou County). And when they arrived home they found out that the power had come back on.

The upside is that the next time there's a power outage we'll be sitting pretty. It's a pretty high-end generator so there'll be lots of juice to go around.

Quote of the 'Yester'Day: "When I first heard that Marge was joining the police academy, I thought it would be fun and zany, like that movie Spaceballs. But instead it's been dark and disturbing. Like that movie - Police Academy."
- Homer

Quote of the Day: "The women on your planet are logical. No other planet in the galaxy can make that claim."