The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Well it would seem I'm pretty good at landing job offers from call centres. Now if I could just transfer that over into other job fields. Convergy's offered me a job this evening. They gave me the weekend to think about accepting the job (they want to know by Monday or Tuesday). I'm not sure if I'm going to take it or not. I know additional info now which has to be factored into the decision making process.

Pros: It sounds like the work would be more varied/challenging (therefore less repetition). Apparently the turnover rate is pretty low on the XP group (so some people like it anyway).

Cons: The target for average call length is 45 minutes. So that means there are probably REALLY long calls. Long calls are pretty good if you've got a good client but if you've got an impatient client (esp if they have little computer knowledge) they are brutal. Apparently if you're not on a call you're given other work to do and you're supposed to always be productive (as opposed to client logic where you can relax, chat with nearby people, send e-mails, surf the net while not on a call). Another biggee is that while you get 2 days off every week, they aren't necessarily going to be consecutive days (which would certainly put a damper on Acadia visiting).

As you can see the list of new cons is rather lengthy. I've also been thinking that I'm not so sure I want to move back home. If I were to do so while keeping more or less the same job I think it would feel like a step backwards in my life. I've definitely got some pondering to do over the next couple days/

On a semi-related note I've decided that regardless of my decision, I want to go to Acadia for the weekend at some point in the next 2-3 weeks. If I'm still on the same schedule as I am now, I could come down Friday morning and stay till Sunday morning (or if I was feeling ambitious I could come down on Thursday night (which would technically be Friday morning). The car I have now should be better suited to handle lengthy drives.

Quote of the YesterDay: "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. No truth-handler, you. Bah! I deride your truth-handling abilities."
- Sideshow Bob

Peasel got the series right but not the character. This is from the ep where Bob becomes mayor during the court scene.

Quote of the Day: "I don't know about you guys, but I could go for some gin"
- ?

Couldn't we all?

Friday, October 15, 2004

Quick post tonight as I've gotta get up rather early in the AM.

I decided, somewhat reluctantly, to at least go for the Convergy's interview. They asked what days I would be available for testing/interview and after I had said I could go in on Friday I was originally asked to go in at 9:30 AM. Fortunately I got that bumped back until 2 but I have to stop off at my house beforehand so I'm still going to end up with less than a full night's sleep.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Next thing you know you're some schumk working in a box factory"
- Krusty

I'm beginning to suspect you people just aren't trying anymore.

Quote of the Day: "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. No truth-handler, you. Bah! I deride your truth-handling abilities."

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I got an e-mail from Convergy's today asking me if I was still interested in a job as they have some openings now. (Funny thing is I don't remember ever sending a resume to Convergy's but whatever). For those who don't know Convergy's is a tech support call centre. This particular one is in New Glasgow. The job is providing support for Windows XP. So it'd be kind of like what I'm doing now.

I haven't really decided to take the job or not (well, take the interview. I imagine though that my working at Client Logic should pretty much cement my ability to get the job if I want it). There are some advantages to it. The pay is a bit less ($10.25/hour versus $11.30/hour) but my expenses would go way down (no rent/groceries/phone bill/etc) so I'd probably end up with more spending money. There would definitely be a social benefit as I'd there'd be people around for me to do stuff with and I'd also be able to get to Acadia with far less effort. And I'd get a 5 week break from taking calls while I went through training.

There are definitely some negatives as well though. For one I'd have to move back home which would mean a drastic reduction in freedom (with the nagging, dial up and being farther away from civilization). I like my family/home and I'd get to see my pets (a big plus) but there would defintely be some adjustment. The other, larger concern is that it would be another call centre job. I've said pretty much from the beginning that I wanted my current call centre gig to be my one and only call centre job and that I didn't want to end up bouncing around from call centre to call centre instead of finding a job I really want to do. I have been actively looking for non-call centre work (and have even applied a couple places) and I'm not overly excited about the idea of working at another call centre (not so much against the work itself but against the beginning of a pattern).

I'm not really sure if I'm gonna go for it or not. I've been really up and down about it today. Sometimes I'm thinking I definitely don't want it but then a few minutes later I find myself thinking it wouldn't be so bad. I pretty much have to let them know one way or another tomorrow so I'll have to do some serious thinking. (I'm sure he meant serious drinking).

Quote of the YesterDay: "All glory to the hypnotoad."
-Unnamed guy who announced the winner of the pet show

I guess everyone was too busy watching Everyone Loves Hypnotoad to answer this one.

Quote of the Day: "Next thing you know you're some schumk working in a box factory"

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

For some reason Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter has been floating around in my head quite a bit today. I even thought of some rather interesting moral implications that can be drawn from the story. For a while I thought about writing them out and posting them here but then I realized that for the vast majority of you have either A) not seen the movie or B) little interest in my thoughts on the subject. B probably wouldn't stop me as I write this blog as much for myself as for anyone else. I definitely don't want to spoil the movie though and there's no way I could really write my thoughts out without spoiling some major plot points in the film.

Question of the YesterDay: What is the birdmobile?

The birdmobile is just a stolen and renamed version the batmobile. You can probably guess which villian did the renaming (more than once too)

Quote of the Day: "All glory to the hypnotoad."
- ?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I don't know why exactly but my ambition has been at an all time low lately (esp the last couple days). Ah well.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Everybody's hugging!"
- Ralph
This is one of those easy Simpsons quotes that I'm surprised to see not guessed.

Question of the Day: What is the birdmobile?

Monday, October 11, 2004

These drive back to Moncton in the AM and go to work in the PM days are pretty draining. Work was actually pretty good today but I'm still completely drained.

Quote of the YesterDay: "He's the leader of the bunch, you know him well"
Nobody guessed the next line of the DK Rap. Funny thing is I can't remember it atm either. I'm too lazy to look it up tonight as well.

Quote of the Day: "Everybody's hugging!"

Sunday, October 10, 2004

No post yesterday due to what I think was a problem with blogger (though it may have been that my dial up connection was just being extra slow).

I got a fair amount of b-day monies around the time of my birthday but I never really bought anything since then (excluding groceries, gas, etc) so I decided to fix that situation tonight while at the mall. I wanted to get a PC or GC game and thanks to being the only one I was interested in that was also there, Donkey Konga was the winner.

For those of you who haven't heard of it, it's kinda like DDR except that you use a bongos as the controller. There are four basic types of notes to hit; the left drum, the right drum, both at once or a clap (there are different types of those 4 as well but that covers the basics). There's several diffent play modes and a bunch of different songs (some video games songs, some classical, some contemporary music and a few that seem to be there just for camp value (like the always cheesy DK Rap). Toxodont and I spent a couple hours playing it and it's VERY fun. It'll definitely be occupying a good chunk of my free time for a while.

Quote of the YesterDays: "The first casualty of sliding is dignity."
- Professor Aturo

I kinda expected someone to get this (Esp after the hint I gave on Thursday). Granger got the closest by speculating the show but then she guessed the ACTOR from the other series she speculated (which I wouldn't have been able to accept even if it was the correct actor). Remind me not to share my sliding technology with you folks.

Quote of the Day: "He's the leader of the bunch, you know him well"
Be the first to give the next line and consider yourself one point richer.