The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Tonight was pretty good. We had a small gathering in the suite with much drinking and general fun had by all.

Now I'm just sitting here watching the Spaceys and burning off a few more CDs before I go to bed. Hey, it's Bruce Campbell!

Defunct Word of the Day: Ellend
"An elk"

Friday, April 23, 2004

Well, my exams are now officially over with.

When I got back this morning Granger asked me how it felt to be done. The thing is, it doesn't feel like I'm done. Even though I no longer have any classes and I'm out of here in 3 days, things feel totally routine.

I'm glad about that though. I don't want to get into the mindset of 'oh, this is the last time I'll ever do X' and 'I'll probably never go to Y again' as it'll just make my last few days depressing. I'm not going to try to cram in a bunch of stuff; I'm going to enjoy the next few days like any other days where I'm at Acadia when I don't have classes and stuff.

Sometime after I'm home the whole being done thing will probably hit me and it'll be depressing but for now, I'm enjoying Acadia in a mundane, day-to-day living kind of way. :)

Defunct Word of the Day: OED is down once again so I'll forego today's word of the day. I got about 5 hours of sleep yesterday and my nap attempt failed so I'm pretty tired right about now.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I have an exam in 7 hours time. I haven't studied a whole lot or anything but I suppose I should probably go to bed fairly soon. I don't anticipate a hard exam but since I plan to go to breakfast before hand I'm going to get less than 6 hours of sleep, even if I go to bed right now.

Defunct Word of the Day: Duseling
"Dizziness, giddiness"

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Man, I don't like doing the whole 'handwriting' thing. I have horrible, horrible handwriting; I always have.

The reason I mention this is that I'm smack dab in the middle of exams. Other the occasional mid-term, the only time I ever do more than a jot note is during exams. So I get to spend hours doing something I'm really bad at.

I'm not quite sure why my handwriting sucks. I type pretty fast and I'm good at that but I'm horrible at forming letters through printing or writing. I end up having scratch out quite a bit as I sometime don't make the letter I tried to make.

I used to practice my handwriting when I was younger, but no matter how many hours I spent writing, it never seemed to get any better. I'm glad we live in a computer era where 99% of the time it's possible to avoid handwriting all together.

Defunct Word of the Day: goky
"Fool, simpleton"

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

The things you learn about by watching Unscrewed.

This is a good example of what I'm talking about. I'd elaborate but the link should give you all the information you need.

Defunct Word of the Day: snipocracy
"Tailoring profession or its leading members"

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Stealing things is a fun way to kill time!

I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want, then go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything. And I mean anything...
go for it....

Note: You don't actually have to copy that thing into over into your journal/website/ blog/magic screensaver/whatever to ask my questions as I'll answer anything anyway. :P

That was certainly an interesting trip.

Tonight, after the standard Saturday night Justice League, Superfriends, Teen Titans combo, Fergi asked if anyone was up for a trip to Tim's. Being rather hungry, I decide that such a thing would be quite good. Sportsfan also wanted to go but everyone else opted for bed.

So we go downtown around 2:45ish (interesting sidebar: we saw a really drunk girl go up to a police car shouting 'I wanna meet the police!'. They talked to her for a bit and I was half expecting they'd take her in for public intoxication but they didn't.) and our first stop is the Royal Bank as Fergi needs money. All 3 of the machines are 'temporarily out of order' however so we go over to the Bank of Montreal (Sportsfan was getting money out there anyway). Despite the fact that the bank machine had signs advertising it's interact compatibility, it simply would not accept a Royal Bank card (couldn't even get it in the slot) so Fergi's cashless.

We press on to Tim's to find that they've basically got nothing. There are a few tarts and Sportsfan gets one but there's no donuts/cookies/etc. Pronto was still open when we passed it originally so we decide to try there but when we get there they've closed and are cleaning up.

At this point, we were just going to go home but I had a brillant idea. I remembered the Irving/convenience store and speculated that it was likely a 24 hour store. We were hungry and had nothing better to do so we made the rather long walk to the Irving. Upon arriving we found out that its hours are 6 AM-Midnight.

So we head back to the university. When we get in front of it we decide we may as well go to Tim's again as its been almost an hour and a half since last time and the odds are pretty good that they'll have SOMETHING now.

So we trudge to Tim's and upon arriving, we find they do in fact have bagels! So we buy some yummy blueberry bagels and eat them (well, Sportsfan and I did, Fergi didn't want to borrow money so he passed (though I did give him a fourth of mine)).

And that's how a quick trip for donuts turned into a 2 hour saga resulting in bagels.

Defunct Word of the Day: elken
It's a verb meaning "to flatter, propitiate". I'm not sure what 'propitiate' means exactly and I'm too tired to look it up right now.