The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, January 31, 2004

That was one good day of rest and relaxation.

Much lounging about with a minimum of effort.

Highlights of the day include a downtown trip to Paddy's, a Spiderman ep I hadn't seen (one of very few on that list) and staying up until 4 AM playing video games.

Good times.

Tomorrow I shall return to my regular schedule. Basically that means lots of rest and relaxation with bits of work thrown in here and there. One of the 'highlights' I've got coming up work-wise is a formal poem written in blank verse. For those of you not familar with blank verse, it's basically a poem written in unrhymed iambic pentameter (each line is 10 sylables, every other sylable is stressed). I have little in the way of rythmatic skills so it should be quite the challenge.

Banned Word of the Day: iambic

Stupid blank verse being randomly assigned to me. :P

Friday, January 30, 2004


The lengthy period of constantly having little work type things to do is over (for a while at least). Now it's time for Quilted Porcupine's Official Day of Rest and Relaxation. From when I go to bed tonight until I wake up on Saturday, I'm officially in R and R mode. No worrying about jobs, no assignments, no nothing. Just a day of sitting around on my ass, exerting as little effort as possible. Should be a good time. :-)

Banned Word of the Day: skipped for the holiday

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Well, I was going to write some more substantial content in here tonight but I had to do that several times for an assignment for creative writing. I was supposed to have done it already but, shockingly, I got lazy.

Tomorrow I've got a test followed by another class. After that though the work that has been piling up on me will be done (at least the immediate stuff). I think I may take Friday for a total R&R day. Could use some additional relaxation...

Banned Word of the Day: Done

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Tonight I caught a few minutes of "Destination: Moon". This is a movie from 1950 about men trying to fly to the moon. I wish I had less things to do tomorrow cause I would have liked to have stayed up and watched the rest of it. It's fascinating to see what people see being accomplished in the not too distant future and contrasting it with what actually happened. I only saw a bit of the movie so it's hard to know how accurate this particular imagining was. There was a public fear of an atomic explosion as a result of the launch (I guess there were some radioactive elements to the rocket, though I didn't see that part but the scientists knew that it was a groundless fear with no basis in fact) that was on the silly side. There other stuff seemed quasi-plausible but I saw little of the actual 'science' during the 10-15 minutes of the movie I watched. Ah well.

Banned Word of the Day: bored

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Less with the physical tiredness today. Still feeling mentally tired though. If it wasn't for the constant stream of work that is piling up (at about the speed I've been clearing it out), I think I'd take a vacation day just to give me self a chance to refresh. Unfortunately, I'm going to be busy with the work and such for at least a few more days. I think once Thursday is over with though I will be much less busy (for a while at least) and hopefully able to get some much needed relaxation.

Banned Word of the Day: sit

Monday, January 26, 2004

The tiredness streak continues once more. I'm hoping to get myself a nice long stretch of sleep time tonight (it's 1:13 AM right now and I don't have to be up till 12) so hopefully that'll dispell the tiredness.

I've been feeling exhausted a lot of late (last few days at least). I was trying to do work this afternoon and it took all my willpower not to just curl up and go to sleep.

Monday's Banned Word of the Day: skip

This one's an attempt to dissuade me from skipping out on any of my classes tomorrow even though I'm feeling lazy and tired in advance. :P

Sunday, January 25, 2004

In stark contrast to last weekend, I was the sober one tonight. Pretty much everyone else, much less sober. But now it is late and I am tired. Goodnight all!

Banned Word of the Day: Pizza