It begins... again.
Today was the last day of my training so tomorrow I get to resume my illustrious career as a phone jockey! Huzzah!
It remains to be seen whether phone jockeying in NG will prove better, worse or even equally dull as the previous phone jockey run.
I'm still working on the finding a real job thing but how hard I work at it could be greatly affected by the results of the next week or two. Part of the problem is that I'm still not really sure what I want to do with my life. I'm not one to plan ahead either so it makes figuring it out all the more difficult. I do know quite a few things I don't want to do with my life. I guess if I can add to that list until I've only got one thing left that isn't on the list, that would work too. Hopefully I'll figure it out in a slightly more efficient way though.