The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Missed a couple days, I know.

Back into the swing of things more or less with the classes and such. I did enjoy having vast amounts of free time prior to this but I'm glad to get back to class so there's no danger of me not being able to graduate this term.

One of the interesting effects of the back to class rush job was that we got to have a class meeting deciding how to proceed for the rest of term at Paddy's. Probably the only time I'll ever be able to buy a vodka and lime in a class-ish environment. Good times.

Defunct Word of the Day: zounds

One of the less obscure ones but still classified as both rare and obscure by OED. Something I didn't know is that it's a euphemism for "By God's wounds". I still think it's cool though.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Found out today that a good portion of the Environmental Ethics readings I did lately have been removed from the syllabus. It's kinda sucky that I did reading that I didn't need to do but on the plus side, I'm now waaay ahead in readings for that one.

Kinda sucks that we were expected to do work and assignments and so on during the strike that in some cases no longer apply. Some people actually have put in a lot of time over the last couple weeks doing those assignments and others goofed off. Doesn't seem fair that those who were lazy have less work to do in total than those who were actually a bit ambitious. Ah well, what are you going to do?

Defunct Word of the Day: Nooser
It's a person who uses a noosed rope. (esp if it is for catching elephants). I can think of oodles of ways to work that into everyday conversation!

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Something I've just realized is that it would be incredibly easy for me to go nocturnal right now. It's been slowly building over the past few weeks as my average bed time has been creeping steadily upwards. In fact, I'm not even that tired right now and part of me is tempted to go play Star Ocean for an hour or two before I go to bed. I have a few things I want to do tomorrow afternoon though and I'd like to be up for lunch so it's kind of determental.

If it wasn't for the high probability of class resumption on Thursday, I'd probably make the leap and go nocturnal. I think it would have come on its own by the end of the week had the strike situation not changed. But alas, things have changed and soon I'll be back to having to be up by 11 or 12 four days a week. While this still means I can stay up pretty late if I want, it's not exactly ideal for staying up until 7 or 8 in the AM.

Defunct Word of the Day: Jod
It's a verb which means to strike or knock. I like it!

Monday, March 08, 2004

It would seem that there's a definite possibility of class by the end of the week. The AUFA and the BoG reached a tentative agreement tonight. Now both sides have to have time to vote on/approve the deal, then if that works out, we head back to class soon after.

I'm glad I'm not one of those students that actually has lots of work to do between now and then. I've got a handful of readings to do and a couple little 15 to 20 minute assignments but other than that, my slate is pretty clean. So for the most part, the time between now and the class resumption will be spent lazing about, much like the time from the strike beginning until now.

Defunct Word of the Day: lirt
It be a deception or trick.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Today, my supper consisted mostly of an entire blueberry pie. Somehow, I doubt I'll want any blueberries for a while.

On Friday, I was asked to join some Thunacme people for a pie-eating contest. Having never been in one, I wasn't sure quite what to expect. Turns out that those contests are much less easy than they look. About a quarter of the way through the pie, I ended up clogging my nostrils with blueberry filling which made it rather difficult to breath and chew at the same time. An interesting experience to say the least. :P

Defunct Word of the Day: cromble
It's an obscure form of 'crumble'. It's much more fun to say, in my opinion. Go cromble!