The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Friday, February 25, 2005


I had a really odd drea m last night. In my dream myself, and several other people were bored and individually we all decided to fill our time by going to a church service in a nearby town. I was doing it because I thought it would be amusing (much like the signage in downtown Wolfville used to be). I think that's why everyone else went as well as most of them weren't Christian (in the dream at least) and this was a Christian church (though a rather strange one).

I don't remember if I was there for the sermoning or not but I was there for the movie. And the whole conclusion to be reached from the movie was that atheists are evil. Needless to say I wasn't overly pleased but I kind of just commented to the people I knew who were there (having run in to them shortly after I arrived) and let it pass.

Next they were performing some sort of bizarre ritual. Basically they would make an 'evil copy' of themselves and then have to deal with it. I think it was sort of like a convocation thing as only a few people had to do it. I'm not quite sure how they were supposed to win as any pain the copy felt was also felt by the original. Anyway some woman was doing the test and getting rather badly injured so we complained. That turned out to be a rather bad idea as it revealed our non-Christian (or at least non-this highly unusual Christian sect) status.

After getting all sorts of talk about how we were sinners and heathens and what not we decided to leave. For some reason we didn't go to our vehicles though we instead walked outside. We were going up a hill and then a fire truck appeared. Apparently the whole town was anti-non-Christian and the firemen told us to turn back. When we didn't do so they turned the hoses on us (thus forcing us to turn back).

Then the dream just got weird. For some reason instead of leaving we holed up in rooms in the church for a few days. We were rather unhappy with the treatment we'd received and I was planning on filing a complaint with the RCMP when we got home (I figured it'd be an our word against their's thing and we probably wouldn't accomplish anything, I still felt it was something I very much wanted to do). I'm not sure why we stayed out the church instead of going home but they never attempted to kick us out (possibly because they didn't know we were there). We actually befriended someone inside the church and they were assisting us but that's about where I got before my dog decided to wake me.

I thought it was a rather interesting dream and it brought together a few ideas in my head (mostly about why atheists (or even non-Christians) are discriminated against and why there's not much in the way of an organized effort to stop that effort. They are ideas that have been swirling around for months but I think I may finally put them in written form in the next day or two.

Mortal Sucking

Last week I bought Midway Arcade Classics Volume 2. It was only $26 and has lots of cool older arcade games (such as Xenophobe, Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Kombat 3, Primal Rage, Rampage World Tour, Narc, etc). I played most of them briefly last week but I never really played any of them in-depth until today.

I fired up the Cube today and sat down to play Mortal Kombat 2, one of my favorite SNES games and a game that I wasted countless hours of my younger years playing. I'm not sure if I'm rusty, or it was just that I had forgotten about 75% of the moves but boy do I suck. It took me like 3 tries to beat freaking Jax.

So then, in an effort to make myself feel less incompetent I challenged my sister to a few rounds. She's plays games very rarely and has little aptitude. I figured crushing her a few times would make me feel slightly better about my sucking. Turns out that wasn't the case. While I never actually lost a game to her, there were some close calls and I did lose a round (each match is best 2 out of 3 rounds).

Apparently my Mortal Kombat skills have gotten quite horrid over the last few years. I know that if I were to travel back in time and play 12 year old me, current me would be getting a sound thrashing.

Toxodont's supposed to be back in Pictou County on Saturday night so maybe I'll get a chance to see if I can shake some rust off then. Time shall tell I guess.

Monday, February 21, 2005

The Incognito is going well as I've gotten every section up now. Now I just need to keep my 3-4 reviews a week pace up until I get some contributors. Which presumably won't happen until sometime after I start getting some traffic to the site. I've submitted it to various search engines but it has yet to process. Right now the only ways to get to the site are through this blog, word of mouth or through a link in the Clone High section of TV Tome (They were pretty quick on adding my link after I submitted it, having it online in less than a day).
I suspect that even when the site is more readily available it'll take branching out into more shows to generate much traffic. The problem with obscure shows is that there's not likely to be a lot of people looking for information on a specific show. At least not yet anyway.