The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, April 05, 2003

So maybe the first attempt at partying this weekend didn't work out so well.

We had many a cancellation and only ended up with 5 people in Granger's room. Of those, Granger and I were the only ones not to engage in a variety of conversations about the comp-sci department. After about an hour, Granger and I met up with BC and headed to the Axe. Unfortunately, the Axe had a huge line so we ended up just going to Tim's instead. Tim's was fun though so the evening wasn't all bad.

Party attempt #2 tonight should prove to be a lot more fun and successful though (here's hoping, at least).

Granger and I managed to finish off our Chips work this afternoon which means we are done with the course. We figured out that both of us will land marks somewhere in the 95% range for the course which is pretty nice for an extra course. I'm still actually in Granger's room (she's looking over some stuff for next year and since I'm just sitting here, I figured it'd be a good time for an update).

Hmmm... it seems I don't really have anything more to say right now.

Quilted Porcupine, out of material!

Friday, April 04, 2003

Hey peoples,

I'm sitting in the BAC, killing some time until my next class so I figure now is a good time to write an update.

Here's some Quilted Stats for you all.

Days without meat: 36
Days of inexplicable belching: 8
Days since my last update: 2
Hours of sleep I had last night: 6.5
Hours of sleep it feels like I had: 3
Minutes until my next class: 54
Minutes until my legs are completely asleep, hence meaning a difficult/amusing attempt at getting to class: 5
Seconds I'm going to keep writing these number lists for: 2

Normally I'd be in class right now but we had a movie viewing on Wednesday night so, as a result, class is cancelled for today. The bad thing is that I had a discussion group at 8:30 in the BAC and I have another class at 10:30, also in the BAC, so the hour break isn't nearly as helpful as it would be had it been my 8:30 or 10:30 class that was cancelled. Ah well.

The movie the class was cancelled for was a good one. We watched Network, which is a satire about a news show that attempts to be entertaining. The scary thing is that many of the tactics that were included to make the satire more biting are actually used in news broadcasts today, a little over 25 years later. Definitely an entertaining and thought provoking film; if you happen to get a chance to see it, go for it.

This weekend should be a good one. After much work with essays and stuff it'll be nice to have a chance to take it easy. I still have one more essay to do for the term but it's not due until Wednesday but any work I do on that this weekend will be scheduled around more fun things (like getting smashed in Granger's room tonight! :P).

Speaking of work, I do have on more thing to do for today. I have an annotated bibliography that is due at midnight. They don't take a whole lot of time to do but I think I'm going to do a bit of work on that now, seeing as I'm just sitting here anyway.

Quilted Porcupine, away!

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

In contrast to my last update, holy productivity, Batman!

Got a bunch of stuff done today, I did.

Spent the afternoon hanging out in Granger's room doing an assignment and acing a bunch of online tests for Chips. I figure we'll need another afternoon sometime over the next couple weeks but then we'll be done that course with some sweet ass marks. :-)

After that was finished with, I went and had a meeting with someone about getting into Education. Looks like it won't be nearly as hard to get into as I was expecting it to be. I figured my craptacular GPA from my first year would have fucked me over but they only look at either the GPA in your major (which has no bearing on my first year) or the GPA from your last two years. I may have to take some history courses next year to give me a second teachable though, not sure yet.

The productivity continued into the evening as I whipped out an essay comparing 1984 to Brave New World. It didn't quite meet the word length requirement but I think it's one of my better essays this term and hopefully that'll translate into a nice mark.

On the downside, my weird belching thing has continued. I think it's actually getting worse again. I'm definitely going to have to get over to the clinic sometime this week and get them to take a look.

And on that cheery note, it's time for bed! :P

Quilted Porcupine, awa... *burp*, oh, excuse me.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Holy lack of productivity, Batman!

This weekend has been one of those times when nothing seems to go according to plan. Many of the things I planned to do over the weekend (get smashed, work on my essay, etc) have not yet come to pass for various reasons. In the case of the essay, I was just lazy whereas the blame for the not drinking lies in a stupid policy on Dennis House's part. I'm thinking I should be able to get some essay work done today but the getting smashed thing is less likely.

I did manage to watch Alice in Wonderland for the first time last night. Granger ordered the DVD after being shocked by the fact that neither Branflakes nor myself had seen the movie before. So now I have one less cultural blindspot. Go me! The movie itself wasn't too bad either. Very fucked up but not too bad. It was a Disney movie and hence, not my cup of tea exactly (stupid singing flowers! :P), but there were some cool parts too.

There was also some unplanned goodness on my weekend. On Friday night, after hearing about my lack of KD (the horror!), my dad put $40 in my account. That, combined with the $19.10 I made for matching socks, meant a trip to the grocery/liquor store! So now I have additional foodstuffs AND a pint of vodka. Yay!

And now it's time to try and prod people out of bed and over to mealhall for brunchiness!

Quilted Porcupine, away!