The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Played Trivial Pursuit DVD today. It's pretty cool. I'd say it's a bit easier than the regular game. The DVD questions are definitely easier but even the card questions seem to have a lower difficulty level. My guess is that's because of the categories. Much more easy to know about them then the regular categories. Assassin and I won the game. Best part was the final question was a Simpsons one. :)

Defunct Word of the Day: Homish

Something that is suited for or belonging to a home.

Friday, February 27, 2004

I seem exceptionally lazy of late. I have work I should probably have done before now but chances are I won't get it done till sometime tomorrow (which is when it HAS to be done).

The feeling really drained thing is continuing. Oddly enough, I can't get rid of it by getting a lot of sleep. I can't even get a lot of sleep. The last few days, I've had to continually force myself to go back to sleep after the 6 hour mark. Only one of those days did I manage to get over the 8 hours of sleep mark and then it was just barely. Hopefully that'll stop soon as I'd like a good night's sleep at some point.

Defunct Word of the Day: cohue
It's an unruly crowd or a mob. Oh yeah!

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Well, so much for my staying up idea. I kind of had some reservations about the whole thing, even before I started. For some reason, I've been feeling really drained lately. That doesn't translate well into staying up an exceedingly long period of time. I'm pretty sure could make it till at least sometime tomorrow afternoon but then I'd be wasting the time of day that is usually spent hanging out with my friends just sleeping. So I sleep tonight. *shakes fist at lack of energy*

Defunct Word of the Day: Uh, whatever that one was yesterday. Too tired to get a new one.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Well, it only took me two days of strike to come up with a stupid idea! Go me!

Starting tomorrow when I wake up, I'm going to try and pull a 100 hours of being awake thing. It's something I've always wanted to do and now I'll have the time and the lack of car needing to use necessary for it. Unfortunately it looks like I'll be going solo but hopefully I'll manage to kill time somehow or other. Also, if you notice a larger amount of incoherncey than nomral over the next few days, that's probably why.

Defunct Word of the Day: yoi
It's an obscure form of joy.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Whew! All this not having class is tiring work.

I'm absolutely exhausted. I suppose it's probably connected to the fact I was up early and didn't get all that much sleep the night before. Ah well. I think I shall remedy that one soon. :P

Defunct Word of the Day: gorgeaunt

A boar in its second year. Oh yeah...

Monday, February 23, 2004

The long-looming strike is going to happen tomorrow. It's been looking like it was almost a certainty for a while now and the latest talks only ended up strengthening that outlook. I was actually talking to a couple profs today and they outright said that the strike would definitely be happening.

I'm not really upset about the whole strike thing. The way I see it, as long as it doesn't go on so long that I lose the term, it's basically just a chance for me to relax in a nag-free environment. I plan to take full advantage of that opportunity. Of course, if the strike goes a few weeks and there is still no end in sight, then I'll start to worry, but for now it's all good.

Defunct Word of the Day: Bordel

It can mean either a brothel (or bordello) OR a worthless fellow.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

After much snow related problems, I'm finally back at Acadia!

I'm waaay tired as I was out of bed much earlier than I'd have liked this morning. I probably would have gone to bed a while ago but I had to wait till things quieted down before I took Cassie back to my room.

I missed Cassie, I'm glad to have her back. :)

Anywho, sleep now.

Defunct Word of the Day: Hastary
It's a word to describe a spearman. I have OED access back so look for some cool words in the near future. I just went with the first old word I found today though as I'm super sleepy! :P