The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

I've temporarily usurped Granger's laptop to provide my readers with another exciting update!

Down in Wolfville now. Got my grad tickets yesterday (2 extra and replacements for the 3 I lost). Went to Jungle Jim's for supper. All good.

I woke up a couple hours before anyone else today so I went downtown. I was hoping to go to the Wolfville Farmer's market thing to get a yummy sausage but it apparently hasn't started yet. So I just went to Tim's and got a bagel instead.

Quote of the Yesterday: "I won't need my highschool diploma anymore! I am so smart. I am so smart. S-M-R-T. I mean S-M-A-R-T."
Simpsons ep where Homer goes to college (just after he finds out he's going back)

Quote of the Day: "Eureka! The hat goes on the head. It's all so obvious now!"

Friday, May 07, 2004

Tomorrow morning I'm off to do the whole grad weekend thing. I don't plan to actually go to any of the events other than the actual graduation ceremony (which I'm only going to because my parents would be upset if I didn't. Look for a rant on the pointlessness of grad ceremonies on Sunday night) but I'll be hanging out, drinking, etc. Should be a good time.

Due to this trip, I may or may not be able to update this Friday/Saturday. Granger's got her laptop so I may try to bum it off her for a few minutes to throw up quick updates. Time (and my level of drunkeness each night) will tell.

Quote of YesterDay: "Remember kids, when you get to prison attach yourself to the biggest, toughest, meanest looking goon you can find. You don't wanna wind up as just anyone's bitch"
- Duckman
The quote's taken from the show Duckman and said by Duckman. It comes from the episode "Das Sub". In the ep, Duckman ends up being a substitute teacher and as a result of his guidance some of his kids are about to get caught breaking in to a building. That's the advice he gives them.

Quote of the Day: "I won't need my highscool diploma anymore! I am so smart. I am so smart. S-M-R-T. I mean S-M-A-R-T."
- ?
Any easy one, but fitting for the upcoming weekend.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Feeling much better today. Still not quite sure why I was all bleh yesterday but the vegging on the couch last night seemed to have cleared up it up nicely.

Rocket Robin Hood finally started airing on Teletoon this week. It follows the adventures of a descendant of Robin Hood and his band of merry men in the future (in Space). It's made by the same people who made the second and third seasons of Spiderman. It also makes Spiderman look like well-written and well-animated. Check it out at 9:30 PM or 2:30 AM on Teletoon.

Brand new feature! Quote of the Day. Not only will I be throwing up quotes from various forms of entertainment, I will do so without identifying the source until the next day. That way you can see how smart you are. Or something. Try to get at least the show/movie/book. Bonus points if you know the ep/speaker/scene/etc.

"Remember kids, when you get to prison attach yourself to the biggest, toughest, meanest looking goon you can find. You don't wanna wind up as just anyone's bitch"
- ?

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I'm feeling really bleh tonight for no easily discernable reason. I've decided to remedy the problem by vegging out on the couch for the next couple hours and then going to bed.

That means you'll have to wait in 'agonizing suspense' until tomorrow to see what the exciting new feature will be. :P

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Parents are burning me out lately. They seem to nag me CONSTANTLY. I've noticed that even when I do whatever the hell it is they're nagging me about, they start nagging me about something new almost immediately. Therefore it's totally ineffective as a motivational factor. It doesn't even work from a "I'll do it just to shut them up" factor.

If anything it has the opposite of the effect they are going for. I'm often so burned out from dealing with their nagging that I don't feel like doing things (like looking for work). I am looking for work(and in fact plan to increase my looking tomorrow (due to a non-nagging related revealation I made on my own this evening)assuming they don't burn me out again first), which is their primary nag right now. If I do get a job, I'm sure they'll find something else to nag me about almost immediately but there's not much I can do about it. At least not until I move out on my own.

Maybe that's the REAL purpose of their nagging. To encourage me to move out of my own. If so, it's a pretty effective strategy (although I doubt I'll be moving out on my own anytime soon unless I find a good full-time job somewhere).

Defunct Word of the Day: I've decided to axe DWotD. It just can't be bothered finding a new source for words. I will replace it with another otD feature though so as to keep me updating every day. Tune in tomorrow to see what 'exciting' new feature I add!

Monday, May 03, 2004

It's interesting to see how TV characters evolve over the years.

Right now watching the episode of Buffy where Wesley is first introduced. For those of you who don't watch Buffy (Granger, I'm looking in YOUR direction :P). Wesley starts off as a snivelling, wussy and annoying character. He's basically a strict servant of the Watcher's Counsel and nothing more. Over the season he's on the show, he does get a bit more likeable (but also does some bad things (esp when it comes to dealing with Faith) but for the most part, he's the same. When he's introduced on Angel he's more or less the same but begins a transformation which takes him to where he is now. He's a confident character who stands by his own convictions and such.

I like it when a TV show does this with a character. In real life people change and evolve. Personalities are NOT constant. The person you are today and the person you were five years ago can have very different ideas about right and wrong, what's important, etc. I know myself that five years ago I was all gung-ho on the idea of comp-sci. I thought it was by far the best choice for a degree. I liked English but it was a distant second to Comp-Sci.

When I got to Acadia, I A) was introduced to philosophy as more than just an idle thought thing (I had already done a fair bit of philosophy stuff on my own, which is why I was already an atheist at that point and also explained a number of my other beliefs), B) learned that comp-sci was way more tedious then I expected and C) learned that I liked English way more than I thought I did. And that's just a small portion of my intellectual beliefs that have changed.

I could go through how much of my 'self' has changed (and I'd wager some changes that I haven't realized) but that seems like it would take up several hundred pages and neither of us wants to have to deal with that right now. :P

Defunct Word of the Day: Comment
At least judging by the number of them I've gotten in the last week or so it seems to be defunct :P

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Wow, that's some weather we've had the last couple days.

I'm glad it's not supposed to last because it's too warm for the end of April/the first of May. It's nice to have nice weather and all but when I'm having trouble getting to sleep on May 1st because it's too bloody hot and humid, that's a problem.

Warm is good but when it interferes with my ability to lounge comfortably, then it's bad.

I've got some more TV to watch so short entry tonight.

Defunct Word of the Day: gacjl