The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Quite the gamut of things going on today. Things started off with a really weird dream. I was alternating between being a ghost and just able to see a couple other people who were ghosts. We were going to some big ceremony thing. I think it was my funeral but I'm not sure. It was all very unusual. I think I've been watching too much Dead Like Me.

Then once I was actually all awake and stuff I went outside to see if my dad needed any help seeding some grass (he was doing touch-up stuff related to all that topsoil stuff from yesterday). It turned out he was basically finished when I got up but he asked me to use the hose to get all the mud out of the seeders (and their tires). To get the mud off, you need a lot of pressure which means you have to stand fairly close. Suffice to say I was rather cold, wet and muddy when it was over.

After that I spent the next 10 hours mostly lying on the couch watching Angel. It was a very good marathon with no 'how the hell did that make the list' choices. There were even a couple episodes I hadn't seen so it was quite a relaxing way to spend the majority of my day (even if it was a bit rough on the eyes).

The astute reader may have noticed I watched 10 hours of Angel and not the full 12 hours of the marathon. That's because I spent a couple hours talking to Granger on the phone while the rest of it was taped. Had a good conversation about a variety of things.

Then, since I obviously hadn't seen enough yet I put the TV on and watched Unscrewed and RAW (still watching RAW as we speak). Not watching nearly as intently as I was watching Angel (spending a lot of time on the comp) but still lots of TV today. I'll probably be topping my day off with the next 45 mins of the TV thing then get some sweet, sweet slumber.

Quote of the YesterDay: "When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power... like God must feel when he's holding a gun."
This one comes from the Homer gets a gun episode and is said near the end of the ep when Marge finds out Homer still has his gun. Baka guessed the ep but then Bustin provided more info so I guess they both kinda got it this time.

Quote of the Day: "I'm a dead man, Johnnie? I'm a fucking dead man? Guess again, Johnnie. Who's the dead man? Who? Who's dead, fuckface? Who? Who? I can't hear you, Johnnie. Guess again. Take another guess, Johnnie. Take another fucking guess."

A bit obscure this time but I have confidence in my legions of fans. :P


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