The Quilted Cave

Ramblings from everyone's favorite quilted super-hero.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Yesterday while on a break at work I happened to see a preview for "Open Water", this is the first and only time I saw a preview for it but apparently it's playing now and has something to do with sharks.

I found it highly amusing that one of the quotes they used to play up the movie said something along the lines of "The best shark movie since Jaws". Now Jaws is an excellent movie but the quote isn't saying that the movie is as good as Jaws, just the best shark movie to come out since Jaws. Now can anyone actually name a shark movie other than the first Jaws movie that was actually good? Sure some of them are campy fun but to the best of my knowledge there are no other shark movies that are even 'pretty good' so saying this movie is the best shark movie to come out since Jaws isn't exactly high praise.

Quote of the YesterDay: "Snakes. Nature's quitters".
- Homer

Yume came close on this one as it was Homer who said it but it was actually from the Haloween episode where Homer's horoscope said he would die (and may receive a compliment from an attractive co-worker). I'm surprised nobody picked up on that.

Quote of the Day: " This strange mixing of minds may be the greatest single service ever performed for humanity! Let's go, but, inconspicuously, through the window."
- ?
Quote of the


At 2:00 PM, Blogger Trevor said...

Do you know if the movie's any good or not?


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